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Alarm will not dial out ?

Guest Lazanda

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Guest Lazanda

I have a response system that is supposed to dial my number when an alarm is triggered, but it wont! I am on NTL but my phone line is just normal. I have been told this should make no difference.

The supplier (who

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Disconnect your Home Phone from the system and then try the dialer.

But it sounds like the dialer is failing to seize the phone line, and while this may be a fault with the dialer its more likely a fault with the way its wired into the phone line, we have never used the standard cable which comes with any dialer unit, instead we directly wire the unit to the MAIN phone point in the house. Hope your not trying to get it working off a phone extension, this can cause problems.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Guest Lazanda

I have been using an extension, but have tried both now and still no go. I have a headphone with the unit that I can plug into the alarm box which I have tried. I can hear it dialing out when the alarm is activated through this, then it just goes dead.

I can even for a few seconds hear the intefearence caused by it trying to call my mobile, then there is a click and it cuts off.

Any ideas ?

Thanks for your help, I have no clue who to talk to about this and the supplier seems very dismissive.


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Have you tried using your own cable from the dialer to the main phone point, and have you tried just the dialer plugged into the main phone point with any extensions removed.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Guest Lazanda

HI there, I tried it just attached to the wall and now it works properly, the funny thing is now I plugged it back in the with the ext and that works too.

I have tried this box for over two weeks now and have made sure I got nothing wrong, I have no clue why it would not work before .

Anyway, this is a fantastic site you have here and thankyou very much for your help.


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Guest andy jinks

well done m8 BUT

i think its worse when it fix's its self.

how can you trust that it will work the next time.

how many things have you got connected to the phone system,might be a REN problem.

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  • 1 year later...

Dave, am hoping you may be able to clear up a couple of questions for me regarding dialers. I have a Texecom Speech Dialer.

I figure I need 8 core cable going from the panel to the dialler.



PA Trigger

Fire Trigger

Intruder Trigger



Earth for the phone line.

The question I have is regarding connecting to the phone line. As you say it comes with a lead with a plug which I was going to connect into a slave socket, but after reading this thread I will run some cable direct to the master.

It says in the manual to connect "R" on the dialer to terminal 2 on the master socket and to connect "T" to terminal 5.

It then shows to connect R1 and T1 "to other telephone extension sockets" Not clear on what it really means here.

From the master socket I have a phone line junction box which splits out to several slave sockets. Should I connect R1 to terminal 2 and T1 to terminal 5 in this junction box. It does not say where to connect them to in the manual.

Can you explain why connecting to a slave can cause problems, and when connecting to a master there seems to be a requirement to connect so the slaves also.

Many thanks.

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Its not really a feature used that often, but basically its a line seizure feature meaning that when the dialler is triggered, all lines connected to R1 and R2 are disconnected whilst the unit dials out, stopping other slave line users using the phone line at the same time. Personally never used it as the risk of that happening is minute.

Mark Hawks

Ex BT Openreach Field Service

Now Self employed telecom and data engineer  www.mphtelecom.co.uk 

Also back doing sub contract work in the security industry.

Retained firefighter Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue

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Ah right thanks monteey. I wish they would explain these things in manuals.

Still a bit confused by the manual. If I am to wire into the master I should be connecting to terminals A and B right ?

It tells you in the manual to connect to 2 and 5 in the BT master jack (i am with NTL I guess its the same) User Accessible Connections. Well these connections are for the slave right ?

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The user accessable bit is the front bit that pulls off with the actual socket mounted on it. A master socket will have screw terminals which the incoming line is connected to. The dialer wires should not be connected to the screw terminals. Yes the correct terminals are 2 & 5

Mark Hawks

Ex BT Openreach Field Service

Now Self employed telecom and data engineer  www.mphtelecom.co.uk 

Also back doing sub contract work in the security industry.

Retained firefighter Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue

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