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whats the best system ?

Guest Mickie D

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Guest Mickie D

hello i am mickie i am putting an alarm system in for my uncle and we would like the best wired system on the market :)

i am a electrician but also hold a computer networking MCP and also own a busy cable and satellite forum.... and have been re-wireing houses for over 3 years and installing networks for maybe 5 years and have my own business (nothing to do with electrics or cable lol). I take pride in all work i carry out and believe the right way is the best way, i think back in the past i may have installed 4 alarm systems i remember the last one was a accenta and i was not to impressed with the PIRS (motion detectors) and mounting them (this was maybe 1 year ago and i have not had a call out so it must still be fine).

i would like the best system the price is no matter and maybe some tips as i know this is more your section guys.

also i would like to add pictures of my install when i start after christmas can i post them here ?

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Well, the Accenta is a panel and has nothing to do with PIRs, other than the fact that they're connected. If you liked the panel, use different detectors.

As for the best available, go for a Galaxy, but if you've only possibly ever fitted 4 alarms the Galaxy is a big jump with a steep learning curve.

If you do really want the best available then you'd be better of getting someone else in to fit a complete system.

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Guest Mickie D
Some panels are just bringing in IP modules, namely Texecom, allowing you to control the system via a network although not installed any yet as it really is just coming out as we speak.


very interesting i would be interested in this but i could imagine the headache from him if the PC fooks up the alarm system or he does something lol

but the rule of thumb is the cheaper the nastier


i agree with that 110% i would always recommend the best in anything i install from junction boxes to high power showers ;)

you get what you pay for !

can you tell me more about the screwing the ends up you mentioned ?

are you refering to the actual main box ?

and can i also ask what does RKP mean i have read a few posts with this ?

and thank you very much for you quick response :)


Mickie D

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The screwing the ends up would be the actual commisioning and connecting of the panel and devices. The Galaxy is not a DIY panel by any means and a badly If you do decide to do this check with alarm companies first as some won't connect up wiring that you have installed.

RKP=Remote Keypad.

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Guest Mickie D
If you do really want the best available then you'd be better of getting someone else in to fit a complete system.


no need for that :)

i am very technical minded i like to think i pick up things very fast and if everyone adopted the let someone else do it approach we would never learn anything.

and believe me i have installed some serious installs in the past m8....

and this is not an ego thing i am the same as anyone else im just very confident in my abbilites

my spelling however i am not confident in


Mickie D

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You just said you had only installed maybe 4 systems, now you say you've done some serious installs. Which is it??????

I know what you're saying re: confidence and learning, but the Galaxy isn't a DIY panel to learn on. I'm all for you learning how to do it properly, but you need to e a bit more commited to installing them than one every 12 months or so.

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Guest Mickie D
You just said you had only installed maybe 4 systems, now you say you've done some serious installs. Which is it??????


excuse me but a serious install does not always mean an alarm install

i have installed light runs with more logic sitches than i care to remember... i have also installed a complete MP3 server with 8 room locations using cat5 and linking every sound output in the house to each room.

just a week ago i installed a multi LNB DISH setup for hotbird and astra in 2 rooms with complete control via dreambox (my own setup but worth a mention ;))

i have also installed a complete webserver compiling PHP, PERL, mod security, AT firewall, using LINUX and SSH

all these i taught myself and i will teach myself how to install a galaxy alarm system aswell if needs be

your going to have to relax this is a place for infomation and i came here for help not a judgement on my abilities or charactor :(

and i am not having a go but the over use of ?????? kinda urged me for a reply

should i check ebay for a galaxy ?

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Guest Mickie D
I thought you were going to say something like that.

Buy a Galaxy, fit it, program it. Sorted.


you knew about my satellite install and the MP3 server and clients :)

i should never have doubted you.... i bow before you in gracious ore :)

i will buy a galaxy and i thank everyone for the help and pointing me in the right direction, i appologise for my next actions but i dont think i will be coming back here if my first posts are met like this

i understand im not a easy person to understand or help thats just me and nothing i can really do about it been like it for to long.

so if admin can remove my account please

but thank you for the advice i will ask on my own site and wont btoher you guys anymore :)


not a plug because you have like 8 people online but want to show lurch i am confident and have maybe 8000 posts to prove it !

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