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Texecom Autodailer

Carl Prime

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Hi guys I have a Varitas R8 and am attempting to wire an autodailer to the system ive wired it as v+ and v- to the communicator output on the main panel and linked v+ to contact 3 on the dailer  but when i test to see if it calls out on activation I can't seem to get it to work. But when you set the system it calls out.

Also I didn't know if it was best to connect the 3 to the bell output from the main panel as it does say R8 is a v- switch.



Helllllp its doing my nut in. How should it be wired?

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If its an R8 rather than an R8+  then he needs to connect to the bell trigger as the communicator outputs are only on the R8+ and Excel panels.


The +ve and -ve from the panel go to the +ve and -ve on the dialler, then its bell trigger or communicatotor output 3 to the the dialler.

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Yeah i thought that when I first read it, in fact read it about three times and wasnt 100% sure afterwards what was going on.


V+ to contact 3??, .

He probably has an R8+ and got a little confused reading the installation manual, as I don't get the connection hes tried. OR

Hes thought theres a communicator on the panel but not connected to the output because it actually doesnt have a terminal block as would be the case on the R8.


So trying to cover the last possability just in case.

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Only issue with the texeco m dialled if for any reason bell signal drops it will stop dialling so better to connect to something that will only reset with code or tag, ie strobe or another intruder output , I suppose its only if it didn't get hold of anyone within the bell time but I found it better to avoid the bell output with this dialler if it's set to code Or reset to stop signalling , or its another dialled your talking about

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You can change how the Texecom dialler responds, at default its code or restore, but you can change it to retore only or code only or nothing.


On Nothing  once its started the process it wont stop, even if the trigger has been restored until ts gone through the motions, you can get it to dial everyone, by changing the acknowledgement type.


Acknowledge only, will stop calling the person that has acknowledged the call and dial the next in the list when the call is ackwnoledged (texts are automatically acknowledged), Stop calls will stop the system from dialling anyone else once a call has been acknowledged by anyone in the system.


I think its better to have it on nothing and stop calls (unless using text), so that someone that acknowledges the call is the one that deals with the problem and it doesnt dial anyone else and it doesn't matter if the bell timer is on for a short time.



Depends on what you can do easily at the panel end I guess, but the dialler is very flexible.

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