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Texecom And Rokonet Fault Reporting


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I have a minor problem that I would appreciate some insight on.

I have a Texecom Premier alarm panel running in grade 3 mode with Rokonet AM detectors (both 'quads' (dual pyros) and DTs) with AM enabled. The detector LED pins are connected to a LED control output on the panel and the set/unset pins are connected to a custom output which which places the detector the in the set condition when the area is armed, the walk test is activated or the exit timer activated; the remote test then breaks this temporarily to trigger the remote test on the detector.

All of this works perfectly and the detector test in Wintex correctly reports that the sensors are correct. However, from time to time, every month or so, the quads each report a fault and typically on alternate days; the DTs have never had a problem. As it is unique to the quads, I doubt these are genuine faults but has anyone experienced this or got any useful pointers to solve it other than replace the detectors?

I have just flashed the panel to version 9.02 from 8.20 so will see if this changes anything, but I doubt it.

Thank you,


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Mr Happy,

May I ask why it would be location? The sensors have never triggered falsely, it is the fault realy opening rather than the activity one. The time for the fault is also rather random throughout a 24 hour period but seems, to me at least, too infrequent to be due to siting and then there is the near coincidence of faults with the two separate located quads.

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