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Cctv Alert Feature


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Hi all

Im new to the CCTV scene and have a quick question. I am going to install a 3 external camera system at my home and wanted to khow if it is possible to watch the cameras live on a monitor and each time a person or body walks past the camera it should send a small alarm or alert to indicate someone is there, i.e somebody at the premises during the night.

This tech must be avilable as night lights go on when somebody walks past them, so instead of a light it could be a alarm of some sort.

Is this sort of thing inherent in CCTV monitors or is it some sort of software I can install?

Any help would be much appreciated.



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Yep, most or all DVRs will have this facility. You can use the onboard camera movement detection but this is not the most reliable. I have D-Tect2 CCTV detectors from GJD hooked up to halogens and the DVR. These are reliable external PIRs.

When they are triggered they set off the corresponding floodlight but also trigger a relay input on the DVR which sends a signal via email. There should be relay outs on the DVR which you can use to trigger a sounder or whatever.

In my system I have a couple of GJD Dygizone light controllers in the house and these can be set to make a sound (custom recorded by you if yuo like) when the PIR triggers.

There are various other PIR solutions available like the Risco Watchout etc or you could use infra red beams which are supposedly even more reliable.

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