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Virgin & Talk Talk - Digi Not Communicating

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okay so your marketing a glorified speech dailer so the installers who can't make the grade, or diyer's can nail "monitoring" on to an alarm which is likely to be done to no standard what so ever?

Billy - you brought our Virtual Monitoring platform into this topic - not me.

Seeing as though you will not drop it - my only response to your "higher than thou" attitude is - Heaven forbid there could be installers out there that don't need, or want to "make the grade". Is that remotely possible Billy ?

Who knows, there could even be DIY'ers out there that are, dare I say it - competant.

I do like the bitterness shown to the other member with the redcare systems, I guess he's in the wrong for doing to the standards required by the NSI, ABI & ACPO :rolleyes:

No bitterness regarding his Redcare's. Just confusion at my end on how someone like Angus who a couple of months ago admitted to knowing nothing about IP, now admitting to having ZERO Digicoms installed, can come into a post about Digicoms failing over IP and start bragging about his trade status whilst at the same time taking YET ANOTHER opportunity to slag me off.

For those that care - I have spent the last 5 years travelling the world, meeting and learning from educated people, developing both hardware and software solutions in an effort to provide the security industry with, hopefully, some useful products. I have dragged my family and young children from continent to continent, from school to school and generally messed them around for the cause of this project.

When I get some smart ass, "Mr know it all" like Angus with nothing better to do than follow my threads around the forum (check for yourself) and slag every single post I make - I sometimes let myself down by responding to him. For those that I have tarred with the same brush - I humbly apologise.

Free Alarm Monitoring over the Internet from IP Alarms

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IP is in its infancy in the UK security market and there is obviously much scepticism amonst installers, however just as we have non-graded GSM diallers, voice diallers and the like there will always be a platform for alternative signalling options for both the inspected security professional, the uninspected security professional and the diy installer.

Some installers are regularly using IP with GSM/GPRS backup and there is no doubt that IP signalling will be expanded in the future and your module (and doubtless many others like it) will find a ready market even from within the inspected section of the industry.

Incidently pay no attention to anguscantplay, he likes to target anyone thats new or who he thinks he can score points off of, he's just very insecure.

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IP is in its infancy in the UK security market and there is obviously much scepticism amonst installers, however just as we have non-graded GSM diallers, voice diallers and the like there will always be a platform for alternative signalling options for both the inspected security professional, the uninspected security professional and the diy installer.

Some installers are regularly using IP with GSM/GPRS backup and there is no doubt that IP signalling will be expanded in the future and your module (and doubtless many others like it) will find a ready market even from within the inspected section of the industry.

Incidently pay no attention to anguscantplay, he likes to target anyone thats new or who he thinks he can score points off of, he's just very insecure.

[offtopicsorry] I'd say that the IP market at the moment is in its adolescence. There are now a number of prospective suppliers (growing each day) and the suppliers are starting to listen to the feedback to try and find the one solution that 'ticks all the boxes'.

At the moment this hasn't been acheived, despite some suppliers offering some very practical advantages to using IP with their products.

I really feel that the momentum to move over to IP will hit faster and more widely than expected. I am also confident that the installers will be more willing to move over once they have tried a problem free install or two.

The oldest issue in the UK market which still raises its ugly head is the one of culpability, who is responsible for ensuring connectivity? The IT dept of a commercial customer? The ISP? The ARC? The Installer?

I think that this will get resolved though with a throrough understanding by all parties of the expectations of each part of the routing. Remember guys a great many of you will be all to familiar with the old 'STU - No response / Line fault' issues on redcares where BT blame the installer - the installer checks the system to find it fault free only for BT to then admit that yes maybe there is a fault at the exchange or or the line after all.

It is only due to familiarality that we don't all kick up more of a fuss when this occurs, is it really that different from IP? [/offtopicsorry]

Anyway - back to topic - keep the suggestions coming in guys, It is great to see a change in the mood ofthe thread with the theme shifting to us all just getting on a bit more and leaving the playground behind.




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I really feel that the momentum to move over to IP will hit faster and more widely than expected. I am also confident that the installers will be more willing to move over once they have tried a problem free install or two.

J- you run one of the largest ARC's in the UK, perhaps you can let us in on whether or not you have experienced an increase in the number of failed signals only to find that part of the signal journey goes over IP.

The thing that worries me is that around 70% of panels/digis in the US use the Contact ID protocol which has a kiss-off wait time of 1.25 seconds. This is where a one (of many) of the problems happen - when the panel does not receive the kiss-off due to network latency (delay).

As a comparison, around 90% of UK digis use the Fast Format protocol which only has a kiss-off wait time of 500ms. That tells me that we should expect more than double the failure rate.

A widely accepted failure rate for Contact ID seems to be 30% - so UK digis might be looking at a potential failure rate as high as 65-70%

Food for thought :(

Time to do your own bench testing people.

Free Alarm Monitoring over the Internet from IP Alarms

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Guest anguscanplay
Another genius thread with members slagging each other off.

Come on guys :cry:

needs moving into the new "hidden from public view but not quite a trade discustion area ...." LOL but no were not slagging off - more just shooting the breeze

shooting the breezer on the other hand is a totally different sport

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Guest anguscanplay
When I get some smart ass, "Mr know it all" like Angus with nothing better to do than follow my threads around the forum (check for yourself) and slag every single post I make - I sometimes let myself down by responding to him. For those that I have tarred with the same brush - I humbly apologise.

look again viewers - was it not MR VM highjacking another thread - one about digi`s and IP to try and drum up support for his "virtual product..." and personnally insulted the whole UK approved alarm industry in his first post ?

same as last time then but isnt there a forum rule about " no advertising...?"

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I think its time this was closed

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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