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NSI Private Forum

Guest Peter James

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I've read all the comments and i found most of your arguments for and against had merrit BUT

I am an install/service engineer for an aproved S.S.I.A.B company

I asked my gov. before joining this site ,

I joined becuse i care about MY performance when servicing / installing a system and any hints, tips which will improve the service i give to customers has got to be for the better

If some one wants to go off and moan or talk about his/her respective company/governing body thats fine and should be done in private & without predudice

the pages of the public forum are first class .

As a web sit this one is first class and Dave should be praised for producing a site that gives a huge ammount of info without breaching copyright,manufacturers restrictions

At the End of it all We are Engineers Trying to Improve Standards across the security spectrum

for the benifit of the client/customer and Engineer

" A manager asks his employees how much effort they think they are giving the company and he gets a range of replys from 75% to 90% so he decides to take his employees on a team building exercise Parachute Jumping.

In the plane at 10,000 feet they are about to jump when the manager says the guy packing your Chutes said he was putting about 90% effort into doing the job propperly"

We in the right area then ?



No PMs please unless i know you or you are using this board with your proper name.

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I dont understand why there are any private forums other than the trade forum.

i absolutely agree - if not scared why, create the impression?

surely to discuss NSI and SSAIB issues is good for all the trade, its the only way many 'small' guys like me can draw a conclussion as to its value (obviously i am in regard to ourselves) and it has done with me, it has changed my point of view in favour of joining as a Silver and not go SSAIB route, i thank all in here for that directional 'push', many discussions/arguments i have got involved with are to test the water.

yes i know i'm a self opinuated reactionary argumentive old bugge,r and i do have very strongly felt 'always right' attitude and convictions. this forum has altered, tempered or caused me to adapt some of my views - so if that can happen to me, is that not a good reason to keep it in 'our' trade section?



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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If the NSI boys want to compare notes on thier grading and how well they did on their last inspection and how each interprit the regs as laid down by the NSI thats up to them its thier sand pit let them play in it .If after all their diliberations they get clarity on the regs E.T.C then i am sure as engineers our respective companys/gov.body will deem to inform us in due course

Life is like a box of choclates.....if you dont get there first your left with all the naff ones

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If the NSI boys want to compare notes on thier grading and how well they did on their last inspection

Very well thanks.

Why compare notes on grading, it is down to the individual who is surveying the premises to determine the grade of the system based on risk etc, so as most people have a different idea on grading it would be pointless, the way i see it is commercial is grade 3 and grade 2 is for small domestics and very low risk premises.



No PMs please unless i know you or you are using this board with your proper name.

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Guest Paulbwaterman

Hi - its Paul Waterman here - technical director of Swift Alarms Supplies Ltd in kent and NSI region 5 forum south east chairman.

I agree with some of the points here - comparing notes on grading is not very useful as each system is graded on its merits.

People are referring to 'members' of NSI - I prefer approved installers - unlike other regulatory bodies getting out your cheque book does not qualify!!!! people are members of all sorts of things - we worked pretty hard to get our NSI Gold status as I'm sure most people who have acheived it have.

thats my initial input!


Very well thanks.

Why compare notes on grading, it is down to the individual who is surveying the premises to determine the grade of the system based on risk etc, so as most people have a different idea on grading it would be pointless, the way i see it is commercial is grade 3 and grade 2 is for small domestics and very low risk premises.

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