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Guest Tom

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There have been issues with GardTec and RKP supplies before. Using the AUX supply for the RKP can cure issues like this, it is in fact recommended on some of their panels (better idea to design them properly in the first place but never mind).

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i've never had this but the status led should not be on due to the regs, you can turn the led status to off in 'custom screens'. this may also cure your fault

680 12v+, to D1


he is asking about the backlight on the rkp (this is not a 'Status Indicator'). there is a program setting in the keypad section for 'on when touching a key. ON when exit/entry procedure or constantly ON.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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he is asking about the backlight on the rkp (this is not a 'Status Indicator'). there is a program setting in the keypad section for 'on when touching a key. ON when exit/entry procedure or constantly ON.



I think MAYCO was referring to the flashing LED on the external reader - that flashes. Tom said that the keypad flickers in time with the flashes.

Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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yes i was, and this will also draw less power. but i didn't dare correct arthur, he looked in rant mode ;)

ME? rant mode? what ever are you talking about? just because i suffer from a little male PMT (Pre Midnight Tantrums) you all pick on little old me :cold2:


have a goood 'en everyone

cheers (hic!)



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Have you got the resistor across then terminals in the back of the keypad(sorry to be so vauge but i cannot remeber value of resistor and where it should go...it is fitted at factory) :rolleyes:

hi all,

on the metal version (Gardtec in their great wisdom) have stuck the resistor to the end station carton, now thats real clever as you actually need it on the keypad :rolleyes: the logic escapes me but i'lll work on it over Xmas - i prommise :whistle: .



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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