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What To Do...

Guest Rocky

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Had enough of working for slap dash security company.

Thinking of testing the waters by doing a little part-time/weekend work.

Want to keep things above board.

Worried about tax implecations and insurance needs.

Welcome your comments.

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I am self employed and approved I am not being nasty BUT DONT DO IT most of us on here who run our own firms would not do it again to the best of my knowledge. Sorry for the negativity.

Need to know why???

I reckon there's a market for a cost-effective, personalised service.

Not looking to be the next Richard Branson, just want enough to keep me going.

Want to get away from all that corporate **** that companie's splurge out.

Want to make it real, surely there's some room for genuine honesty.

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I am just about to set up on my own starting jan, it was a big step but there is lots of work out there.

I have work for the first six months sub contracting for several firms and personal work.

Its a scary time i've been employed for 7 years and moved up the ladder but its about quailty time and whats wright for you.

Go for it. :D

SSAIB Approved.

If it ain't broke, you ain't trying hard enough

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It's what you make it - you'll never make any money working for someone else and there is a great satisfaction in having control of your own working day.

It's not easy and anyone who tells you it is is lying but it can be very satisfying dealing with the daily demands and stamping your own personality on the service you give.

I hate doing the VAT and that's even with an accountant, the buck really does stop here but would I go back to being employed? Never!

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I really cant see why anyone 'in this day and age' would want to start up his own intruder alarm company, it must be so much agro with all the paperwork, inspections, trying to compete with all the other 'cut throat' companies worrying about orders coming in, trying to get all the work done by engineers who really dont care, I could go on and on. I started with this intention some 20 years ago, but even then there were guys installing systems for

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Thanks for the advice (pos or neg).

But, if I go for it, should I get some form of insurance?

I guess I'll need Public Liability but do I need anything to protect me against counter claims.

If I'm working part-time, what do I do about income tax and NIC?

Do I go as a sole trader or should I set up a Ltd Co?

I don't have a great deal of capital and I'm not prepared to put my home on the line.

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