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Tips for a new Engineer?


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Well I've posted on here before as I started a job in the new year with an alarm company (in their office) which didnt work out. I spent a bit of time (about 5 weeks) out on the road working as an an engineer (doing basic stuff) I enjoyed it so much that I decided to try and get a job somewhere as a trainee engineer (it hasnt been easy as I'm 23 now and most companies take younger trainees on)

But I've found a place with a NACOSS recognised company and I'm going to be a bona fide engineer :)

Just wondered if you chaps that have been in the industry for a while have any tips for a newbie. I have almost no elecrical knowledge so I really am starting from scratch!

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If they offer to train you and send you on a course, "GO" !! soon all engineers will need to be approved as individuals, it wont matter if you work for an approved company.

The best advice is to just be inquisative and dont be afraid to learn by making mistakes.

If your unsure about anything however trivial it may seem, then dont be afraid to ask.

When they start sending you out alone, make sure you have a senior engineers mobile no, just incase you need advice.

Allways treat any customer politely, however anoying they are.

When your completely stumped, never never let the customer know. It looks bad on the company that they have sent an engineer who has no knowledge of the equipment.

What are you going to be doing, Installing or Servicing, or a bit of both.....?


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Guest securityconsultant

Dave hs prety much pointed out the main things

Above all enjoy the job :D

One of the best ways to remember the various pannels programing e.t.c is write things down carry a pad and no matter how small the info is put it on papper .. Thers a lot to take in in the industry!!

If you get realy stuck you can always post your prob on here ( Dave seems to be welth of knowledge )

And if all else fails you might have to put up with my advise.

Oh one more thing check this site often daves good on keeping up to date with regulation changes , witch at the moment is no small task

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Thanks guys. I'm going to be doing installations and servicing of Alarms, Door access and some CCTV too so yes theres a hell of a lot to take in! I'm looking forward to it though as I was getting really sick of office work :)

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  • 4 months later...
Guest kenny james

B) linda from cqr did you receive my info to put me on your database via e-mail

if so have you any info which may be relevent in alarm installation which you could send to me or i could pop into cqr to collect or even a specifiers handbook thanks ken - k alarms

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