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Guest eddiefast

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Firstly, make all the sites capable of remote transmission and control(Adpro or LAN DVR via sites network, for example)

Then get a software designer to make you an GUI for the different remote viewing software packages of each protocol

Configure network for the 300 sites and 3 remote sites....and......hey presto!

Easy as that

Brian c

Wouldn't you be the teeniest bit curious to find out what existing control / transmission equipment is already in place, that could perhaps be utilised in order to minimise any undue additional expenditure for the client?

Unless of course, as far as georgahti is concerned money is no object, in which case he could go along with your suggestion.

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Brian c

Wouldn't you be the teeniest bit curious to find out what existing control / transmission equipment is already in place, that could perhaps be utilised in order to minimise any undue additional expenditure for the client?

Unless of course, as far as georgahti is concerned money is no object, in which case he could go along with your suggestion.


like I said, " adpro, etc or LAN DVR" not much alternatives, really, with such a generalisation! ;)

Yes I am curious. Any existing networkable kit could be integrated in the software.

I know Panasonic did a GUI for some town centre cams. They were all Panasonic, though!

I don't see why the different software's couldn't be integrated, though.

If you don't know......ask.

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Guest Anthony Craggs
thanks for you help brianĀ  :)

a very good point .no good having cctv cameras if you cannot id the person involvedĀ  :whistle:


thats where infa red comes into it

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If I could crack that one, I'd expect swedish, danish and norwegian lessons thrown in for good measureĀ  :joker:

A few questions for you ....

maximum and minimum number of cameras per site,

are the cameras all fixed or are some remote control (domes or PTZ),

is there any standardisation of equipment or are there numerous incompatible brands,

and are they all using conventional CCTV or do any of the sites use IP cameras / servers?



From one camera to more than hundred

Cameras are fixed, different PTZ:s etc..

Standardisation? It is all as incompatible as possible..

Conventional CCTV, but the plan is to add IP based videoservers..

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Firstly, make all the sites capable of remote transmission and control(Adpro or LAN DVR via sites network, for example)

Then get a software designer to make you an GUI for the different remote viewing software packages of each protocol

Configure network for the 300 sites and 3 remote sites....and......hey presto!

Easy as that



This is my plan at the moment (except Adpro is too expensive..).

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Brian c

Wouldn't you be the teeniest bit curious to find out what existing control / transmission equipment is already in place, that could perhaps be utilised in order to minimise any undue additional expenditure for the client?

Unless of course, as far as georgahti is concerned money is no object, in which case he could go along with your suggestion.


Mostly Ernitec i guess..

Money is no object but price per site should be quite low...

Only problem is that customer would like to know software expences..

Could be a job for a week or a year. most propably endless..

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