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Creating Ground Loops

Matt the Teckie

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Wow! You can label me inpressed boys, thank you!

I'll definitly try the dual psu idea.

The long and short is that I need to generate the rolling hum bar we all know and love. Be that a mains, neutral or earth loop.

Ideally a live site would have been great but it's always fun to experiment.

Thanks again everyone, knew you wouldn't let me down.



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Why did you mention chips!

Now I got the munchies...

Dohhhh! :rolleyes:


would sir like red sauce or brown sauce with that :lol:

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

"We all die, the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


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How about using a mains TX with say 6V or so secondary winding, connect the camera earth to one end of the secondary winding, and earth the other end. or you could try connecting the co ax screen in series with the secondary by cutting the braid and 'inserting' the secondary winding, Should induce a nice hum.

nice long length of low quality co ax should complete the picture and make it authentic.

you'll need to experiment a bit, but its an idea.

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