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I need to keep my shop door locked until a customer comes to the door. I want to then press a button to release the door latch electronically.

I presume i require a 12v supply, alarm cable, electronic latch, switch/button and some kind of relay?

Can anyone recommend what I need and where best to get it?

Thanks in advance.

tbh depends on the construction of the dooor - plastic, metal or wood and the frame ditto and if single cation double action single door double door.

for simplicity lets assume a single timber door and timber frame, if you already have a yale type rim night latch you can simply replace the 'receiver' with an electrically operated one. as long as there is a mechanicle device (i.e. handle/knob) on the lock inside the shop you don't need fail safe, an exit push button or an emergency break glass unit.

very simple to do the releases come in ac or dc some will work on both, ac for working from a bell type transformer, or dc for 12 volt dc psu.

if you do as above do no relly on it for real security, as most cheapy receivers will bust with a good shoulder barge, so fit decent mortice locks.

other types of dor can be fited with more expensive maglocks but if you not really into this asl a local lock smith/alarm co to price it for you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

bit of an old thread, but if being simple - why do you need speech?

possible the o/p might have an alarm, so having chime set up on the door would help in quieter times while not restricting customer trafic in busy tmes



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just purely a simple opinion, if the speech is there then there is a potential to vet the prrson before they enter the shop aswell

was a time back but the simplest i've ever seen? small jewellers in stamford hill, north london, he had a slide bolt made up which was about 4 feet long, he pushed or pulled from behind the counter to let people in/out and lock them in/out. the handle end had been sharpened to a point.

idea was if he was threatenned into opening the dor to let a theif out , he could pull it right out and wack anyone over the head with it, or turn it round cheer leader fashion and stab them :lol:

guy was a bit odd ball (yeh! I know i should talk), don't know if he ever actually used it - but all the egineers were real wary going in there for a pm i can tell you :unsure: .



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