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En54 Vs Bs5839


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The worst Evac that happened to me was 1500 students out of a university including the Principal (who was not pleased) But as luck would have it,it didn`t turn out to be my fault. The building had two Morley panels networked and the brief was under no circumstances was any sounders to go. Put panel into walk test and informed security posted by second panel that I was testing. Started testing and got to the fifth floor when all hell let loose and all sounders started. I ran down five flights only to find 1500 stundents and the Principal in the carpark. I got a right lecture from him until I checked the event log and found that someone had reset the second panel. When I went through with Principal we questioned the security staff and one of the Erks owned up and said he was fed up with the panel bleeping and pressed reset. Next thing I got an apology from the Principal and the guy is now looking for a new job. :whistle:

This reminds me of a call i had to Leicester Uni at 2am in the morning, as standard for things at this time in the morning it was a drunk student that had hit the call point as a joke. He didnt realise two things, A- every exit has a camera and B- the halls of residence was a networked 5 panel Clymac Ziton system, to which i didnt have keys or access codes for. After a leisurely 90 min drive to Leicester i was set upon by 200+ students asking me to switch off the alarm that had been ringing in every room since 1.30 and it was now 3.30am. Another hour passed till i guessed the pass code, lucky cos i was about to be linched! I then spent the next 12 hours waking up the students who decided to dismantle thier detector/sounder/base combo and went about recifying the 300+ faults they had made. Oh well 6am i was banging on doors and at 2pm I was asleep on a sofa before i drove home. Another job well done!

Has anyone had the water fairy's out to a site before through a bell circuit with a relay attached to it that triggers the autodialler tape? No. Just me then.

"I told you i was testing the alarm today"

"Yeah but my staff and the shopping centre didnt know"



My finest hour!

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Has anyone had the water fairy's out to a site before through a bell circuit with a relay attached to it that triggers the autodialler tape? No. Just me then.

The Library in my town used to have one of those fired off the bells, it had a big old Gent conventional that used the old Bulgin key switches on the panel front including the sound alarms function. I was stood beside the manager when he turned the sounder on switch insted of cancel fault buzzer, q axes and wellies! Laugh! (Only when he wasn't looking!)

Another odd thing at the same building, a water alarm in the plantroom had been forgotten about years ago, when the plant room did flood one day it activated an ancient voice dialer which called a number which "used" to be the caretakers number years ago...The poor bloke who was called couldn't make out what was going on but had the good sense to report it and the flood was stopped. The odd thing was this ancient dialer had the old STD code in it which was going to stop working the next week!! After all those years it did it's job!


Life is like a box of chocolates, some bugger always gets the nice ones!

My Amateur Radio Forum

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Guest Cerberus NI
I thought id do a diagram to show better what i mean, i agree places of high risk eg, print room, boiler room ect might be better off on own zone to help identify the source but i mean a zonal boundaries being conflicting. sorry for the poo paint skills i have.


It does seem a bit daft looking at it as to why it was done this way but it still doesn't conflict.There should be two sounder circuits though (even if one circuit comprises of one sounder at the panel).

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Hello everyone.

Hope your all well and enjoying the first week of the new year. My new year brought a suprise when i was asked to commission a contractors job, something im fairly used to. What got the hair on my back standing up and sent shivers down my spine was the panel(Bardic Zircon). All the previous companies i worked for in my past 7 years i have been working in the industry i havent really come across EN54 panels. My question really is what are the differences and should i really be signing the system off to BS standards? Also whilst im on the subject does EN54 bring with it new regs, the contractor who installed the system wired zone within a zone making the detection one and call points another, he had only used one sounder circuit and wired the mains in T+E. Needless to say i didnt sign it off but did spend my friday rewiring his 'work' to what i call BS5839.


Isn't it the case that although EN54 is accepted in England, it all depends on the system specification put forward.... If the consultant has specified a 5839 compliant system then technically it would be wrong to install an EN54 panel with no LEDs.

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