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Everything posted by Hugh94

  1. Could the door sensor be faulty? Is it new, if not, do you know if it worked before? Had issues with these before where no matter what battery I put in it didn't work so I ordered a new one and it worked.
  2. Hi, don't I need to post at least 5 posts to apply, I guess this is my 5th post now I suppose.
  3. Hi, I'm an Alarm Engineer of 7 years, I install and commission Intruder, CCTV, Door Access and Fire Alarms, I joined to ask a question on a Honeywell galaxy panel I was working on but figured it out shortly after, but I've seen quite a few informative things on here so I'm glad I joined, hopefully learn a few things on here too, there's always something new to learn so looking forward to that, I hope to answer other people questions as best I can as well.
  4. Here is the wiring diagram for the expander, seems that z29/30 are for the tamper and shows how to wire it, this also shows where to put the strobe and bell cores, power is self explanatory.
  5. Hi, to answer your question, yes you can double them up if you don't have enough relays to do all the doors, as long as your doors are all the same, i.e C/NC or C/NO, all its looking for is a fire signal, so if they are doubled up and the fire alarm goes off it will drop the doors, it is always better to have separate interfaces for each set of doors though but if you can't achieve that then this is the next best thing.
  6. Hi, double check the tamper on the inside of the lid, had issues with these where either the spring was non existent and had to pack out the tamper with tape, or the plastic bit on the lid wouldn't reach the spring so had to wedge something between the lid and spring to take away the tamper issue and stopped the panel beeping, just entering the engineer code should silence the panel, although i'm sure it only works before removing the lid.
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