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Everything posted by EDinMK

  1. Thanks Logan ....I know ...but thy have bought this Yale I only live at the back behind them I mean they have 2 MAD Jack Russells ...so I can t see anything past a SWAT team getting in anyway they are aggressive as hell! Its just a peace of mind thing. I mean one of their friends recommended it and they seem happy enough . Forget that Gardiner ....that was there when they bought the house and has NEVER worked and i mean like Pre-1990 ! The wall box in porch is more spiders than wires ! I mean i know they LOOKED at other systems ...but they were looking for something that was like sub-£200 and they could get muggins here to fit (that's the truth of it) I mean its got them keyfobs things and it all just contacts as they cant use PIR because of the dogs ..so its fairly basic workload only thing is a panic alarm in the bedroom I wouldnt touch wireless anything if i can help it,,,but its not me
  2. ok thanks ...I think i will mess about with the alarm while its down here..i got a boatload of PSU and stuff here and a tester so I will try and emulate the batteries. i dont want to be teetering up there for an hour or so with a bucket of render and a sandtex covered paintbrush and THEN still have to drill and fix the new box somewhere else just have to work out how to keep the learning function active while putting it up "powerless" ..probably just have the wife learning from downstairs. I was reading that you can wire up some DUMMY d-cells ..anyone ever done that ?
  3. Well the wire to the box seems to be intact the box is buggered and peeling ....think rust too! 2 years ago a neighbour tried to get it off and it cam away but he pushed it back as plaster was a mess I mean i COULD resite ...but it would mean i had to replaster and stuff ..which is bad news and also this old suare box will fall off soon anyway
  4. To be honest i checked the datasheet and it's the same way i would spell triggered ! I must be going daft "...The Yale Intruder Alarm alerts you when your alarm is triggered, and allows you to disarm your alarm with a simple tap of your contactless tag. The 200m extended range enables you to protect outbuildings as well as your home, with enhanced encrypted security for the ultimate peace of mind..."
  5. Well i hear u for sure... the system that is there is a 30yr old gardiner one big steel box job ..hasnt worked for years. Successive people decorating house have cut and tripped and ripped out all the wiring from the sensors ... its gone they definitely dont want to go back to a wired sensor world ..i mean the Yale looks a cheapy for sure. But i know a a few people have them and for the basics they seem to suffice..its no TEXECOM But they have had this Yale in the front room now for 6 months and they want me to get it sorted . I dont want to be stuck with them 4 D cells outside ...and i know you said they CANNOT be replaced with an internal PSU ...but what is the reason they can't I mean if i crimp a pair of the old 6 core cable to the terminals and remove the battery then technically i would only have to make sure there is a suitable DC charger on the other end ....? Or am i missing something Listen ..I know its not a pro-jobbie ...But its what I am stuck with
  6. Hello All i purchased a Yale alarm systems recently to replace an old system for my aging In-Laws It was one of these https://help.yale.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/IA-Alarms-data-sheet-HR.pdf I also got some additional extra sensors and panic button etc The issue I have is that it is replacing an old system and there is an existing hole and wire on the wall as the old system was wired..So I want to cover up this area, messy unpainted, cracked render etc etc Also the alarm is in a very awkward place to reach ...as its not a simple matter of a ladder as its above a dorma that cannot be easily reached without some sort of platform and i dont fancy it to be honest And i have realised that the 4 batteries in the wireless sounder will have to be replaced at times, which would be a nightmare for us/them/anyone As there is already a alarm core cable running to the outside, could we just replace the batteries (4 x d cell) by connections with a suitable PSU we could plug in ? Would make life a LOT easier. We love the features of the Yale Wireless system ...its just the inconvenience of the sounder ..which we would prefer to be wired Thanks for your help in advance
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