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Aritech ATS Panel


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At a recent OP's Managers / Supervisors meeting the general view of the ATS panel was less than complementary towards it.

The same negative view was also taken over the integration of Fire Systems into Intruder Branches.

Now, i am not one to pour scorn over new inovations but when our beloved superiors take a such a dim view over said topics it doesn't do much to enthuse the rest of us.

I am now slowly begining to find my way round the ATS range but it is far from being engineer friendly. If only Aritech could have tried to develop their own panel to meet the new European Standards instead of buying this Aussie piece of kangaroo dung.( I mean, what have the Austrialians ever done for us ? That is apart from being a useful dumping ground for British convicts two centuries ago !!!)

However, the pressure was on Aritech to make sure that they could supply a control panel quickly which met these standards and that, in my opinion, sadly resulted in acquisition of the ATS. I suppose this is what comes from our Government wanting to be part of a Federal Europe with the knock on effects eventually filtering down to the Alarm Industry.

To the best of my knowledge no other control panel in the UK meets these new standards. So, quite where this leaves Ademco, //.National Installer.// and other bit players in the alarm game beats me . ^_^

UTC - The dawn of a new era !

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