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Starting up on your own

Brian c

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I'd like to think I'd be a good boss and run an efficient company with good conditions.

however, i don't know the first thing about it!

I have considered starting up on my own and would like to give it a go one day.

Just to give me an idea of what's involved, i'd appreciate your comments.

Do you start on your own at first or see if people are willing to go in with you?

Do you build it up from small house jobs in a cheapo van or get a loan and start as you mean to go on with logo's/advertising/vehicles/etc?

Is there a short way to explain VAT, insurance,accreditation issues etc?!

Is there too much competition?

Do you stick with what you know or get stuck into a challenge?

etc etc etc?

Any comments would be helpful

Thanks in advance :)

If you don't know......ask.

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Brian you need to think long and hard about this. I have been running my own business for a year now I was also employed full time by BT witch had a £21000 a year + pension + Van + tools + clothing I have now left this week and I can tell you its blooming scary

But I feel this is the best way. At the beginning I took out £7000 from the bank and £2000 savings and set my self up. I have been quite lucky as I have had help from this forum. I brought a second hand van in good nick i.e. no dents, scratches so looks reasonable also had some shirts printed up. Looks professional and brought tools including drills and pc oh and the insurance my van insurance is £777. Public liability is £120 this gives me £10000 cover well that

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(last post @ alistair)

@ pete


so you're looking a the big picture, hoping it will pay off in the long run?

(@ both!)thanks this is just the kind of feedback i was hoping for

If you don't know......ask.

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Its already paying off for me I may not be earning now but I own a co that easily turns over over a mill.

I know exactly how you feel, I doubled my Mort gave up a nice company car £29k plus ote and Ive got a nice house to loose a two year old  a six year old a wife and to mistress's (only joking about the mistress's)

My mate did the same thing as me (different trade ) a year before.

He said to me whats the worse that could happen you end up pushing trolleys round Asda's and living in a council flat, they cant lock you up for being unsucessful and he's absolutely right.

It still seems scary though.



an enviable position i suppose, even if you did only earn 12k.

don't fancy pushing trolley's tho!

If you don't know......ask.

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