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Bt Home Monitor - Recent Install


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I hope some of you can assist me out there !!

I have recently installed the BT VP1000 Home Monitor system and have found that the pet tollerant PIR's do not work very well - or is it just me ?!?!?!? I have read about these PIR's and they say they will ignore anything below 1m in height under 35kgish. But I have been crawlingaround my house for the last 3 days and they do not pick me up either. I have adjusted the sensors as there is a screw on the pcb to move the sensor into the detection range but this still does not detect properly.

Can I mount the alarm units upside down for better detection ?

OR shall I just rip out this unit and get something better ?

Just for your information, the PIR's are mounted around 2m high.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if anyone has had similar problems I would be pleased to hear how you overcame them !!!

Thanks in advance

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Guest anguscanplay

i couldnt work out if you have fitted the system yourself or if you have had it proffesionally fitted if the latter then get the installer to come back and check it out if you did the install yourself you will find lots of discussion on the forum about the pros and cons of pet sensors

without seeing your property i can only give a general view but many conventional sensors have no coverage down on the deck as such due to objects in the room and the detection patterns of the sensors - you could try swopping it for a conventional sensor and seing if that picks you up in the same places

lots of pet sensors have a blanking plate to lose the first meter from floor and then give a weight limit for the rest of the room if you could post the actuall make we could look it up i think this is most likely

dont give up on the detectors just yet they can take some setting up to work correctly

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Thanks for the quick responses !

To clarify further, the system was installed by myself and the PIR's in question are the BT VP1000 Home Monitor ones.

Unfortunately the system is wireless therefore I could not really fit any other sensor to trial it and yes half of the pir is covered to stop false alarms or pet alarms.

Help is again appreciated.


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Guest anguscanplay
Thanks for the quick responses !

To clarify further, the system was installed by myself and the PIR's in question are the BT VP1000 Home Monitor ones.

Unfortunately the system is wireless therefore I could not really fit any other sensor to trial it and yes half of the pir is covered to stop false alarms or pet alarms.

Help is again appreciated.


thats the info i was looking for

they probably wont work down on the deck the theory is that you are covering the general area of the room and not a specific spot its how they all work but pet immune have an inbuilt deficiency

as lionel says they should cover if you came in a window and remember the led wont flash every time you move because of the time lock outs

will repeat myself that without seeing the property its imposible to tell but it sounds to be correct opoeration for that type of sensor


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