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X-vision Cameras


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Hi All,

Has anyone had any experience with X-Vision cameras.

At the top of my hallway in the house I have an IR Dome Camera. It works fine and the picture quality is very good both in day and night mode. The problem is that the area the camera is in is relatively dark compared to the rest of the house. There is more than enough light but the camera that is there has quite a high LUX level to swap from night mode to day mode which means that for most of the day it stays in night mode. If I briefly shine a light on it then it switches to day mode and then stays there until about 4pm then switches back to night mode again. If I just leave it, it switches to day mode at about 12pm-1pm as this is when the light is round the front of the building and generates a high enough LUX level to bring it out of night mode. There is no way of changing this cameras settings to make the filter change happen at a slightly lower LUX level ( and it is very slight as sometimes just walking by and causing a reflection will make it switch to day mode at about 8am ).

To this end, I am going to replace the camera before the LEDs burn out being in night mode for 20 hours each day. The one I have seen is http://www.y3kvision.com/acatalog/3k9002.html#aVIS550 ( The VIS550 ). I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of these or if anyone knows what the LUX levels are from changing from day mode to night mode and vice versa.

There is nothing in the manufacturers specification sheet that gives the LUX levels of the filter change and the dealers don't seem to know. There is also nothing in the specifications of my current camera that tells me the filter change levels and the manufacturer is unknown ( nothing written on the camera ).

What I am looking for is an IR Dome with an IR range of 10m-15m and stays in day mode as long as possible. It also needs to change back to day mode at a fairly low LUX level.

Although my one changes out of day mode, even if I force it much earlier I still get a crisp, bright colour picture so it is more than capable of running in day mode at a lower LUX level than it does. But obviously the electronics inside the camera are pre-set to a certain LUX level to switch out of day mode which seems fairly high as the light in the area is fairly ok even at 8am in the morning, just not quite enough to make it switch.

Alternatively someone maybe able to recommend a different camera. It has to be an IR dome as there is not enough space to put a bigger camera and IR lights, and it does need IR because at night time with the lights off it is complete darkness. Also a dome doesn't look out of place in the position it is in. It also has to be high resolution ( Colour 480TVL+ 410K pixels ) with a mechanical filter rather than a digital one ( havn't had very good results with digital filters ). It also has to have crisp noise free night vision.

Many thanks in advance.

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Hi Steevo25,

I've seen your another post of making effort in changing VPW325 d/n switching level.

I may be of your help to know about level change.

I do not want to rate any distributor's quality level.

Email me to wisewave@korea.com. I will let you know what I can advise.


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