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Kenneth Volt

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Everything posted by Kenneth Volt

  1. Spain? Do you really believe I go on holidays? I never leave my house hence the G3 alarm. Oh yeah... Better with armed guards... ah ah ah
  2. The OP has actually tested the MW in thinner walls and the MW did not see past them. Alas, they can be regulated and they should be regulated. Thanks for all your input guys.
  3. In the Landry room there's a small ventilation window and this is the only one I would really put the DT but put all DT sensors to make the installation more uniform. I've also bought today the same detector without MW (they even share the same case) because I think I might have issues with the middle hall and the main hall being pointed at each other... Maybe I'll put the one without MW in the internal hall. Exactly what I said ?
  4. That's right the MW power needs to be regulated so it does not see beyond my apartment but as I said I have thick walls and I don't think the MW detector will see past them even at full power. I've seen grade 3 installations with ceiling sensors from RISCO (Lunar G3 DT AM) pointing at windows. The installer was obviously doing it wrong as the MW sensor will see beyond the window.
  5. The manual specifically states they should be pointed away from windows. AFAIK they can be regulated regarding the MW range and besides they will only activate if PIR and MW see something. Besides I have thick concrete walls ? Thanks for you comments It's the last one with a very accessible balcony from the roof therefore the extra detectors and protection. And I'm an engineer and I like to do stuff like this. Regarding the contents I'll not comment on that obviously ?
  6. Extra security... A sensor is so cheap... why not? Ok! Just ordered another 8 zone expander... Yes, what I meant was with an EOL resistor, alarm resistor and I can even put an adequate value resistor in parallel to the AM contacts so the panel knows something is fishy with that contact sensor. That will be only the main door so because it's also covered by a PIR no problem if I have to disable it until a put in a more suitable one. Thanks! Don't think I'll be having bird strikes on these windows as they will be fitted with reflective film and they usually go away. More zones, more areas and the middle between the 48 and 168. 168 would be overkill. Thanks for all you help.
  7. Hi all! I am planning the installation of an intrusion system on a flat I've recently purchased. All windows are west facing so they get hit everyday with the Sun but I'll have a privacy film installed and curtains that will cut a lot of glare, but even so I am planning on installing all PIRs facing inside according to the attached blueprint. The control panel is a Texecom Premier Elite 88 with a ComIP and a ComGSM for backup. Some questions: 1. Do you guys think this a good placement of PIRs? They are all DualTec from Honeywell (DT8016AF4) and they are represented by the blue arrows. 2. On each sliding window (including the balcony one) I will be installing one Grade 3 magnetic contact (CQR SC570) and a shock sensor (Alarmtech CD470) in the middle of the top section of the frame. I am connecting them in series with the EOL resistor in the last one and the alarm resistor in each alarm contact. Texecom allows up to 3 sensores in one zone in DP configuration (I won't see masking of the magnetic contacts, it will be considered tamper). Good practice? Suggestions? 3. The entry door is a security door with a lot of steel. What can I expect from the magnetic contacts? What precautions do I need to take? 4. The red circles are flood sensors. Bought a Sentrol 5501 and 4 5515 sensors to connect to it. In the datasheet they talk about a closed loop. Can this can be wired directly to one zone of the Elite 88? They say the connection for output is polarity sensitive. The manual is quite sparse unfortunately. Here's a link: 5500 Moisture Detection Series Installation Instructions (firesecurityproducts.com) 5. Which seismic sensor do you recommend? I've been looking at Alarmtech's VD500, seems quite good. But I've heard good thing about the Honeywell SC100... Thanks in advance for all the help. Regards, Kenneth
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