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Posts posted by JtotheD

  1. 2 minutes ago, sixwheeledbeast said:

    Self install would have zero to minimal support or instructions, products are designed to be installed by trained engineers.

    I wouldn't recommend you take to DIYing stuff when it's under contract as that would invalidate any support contract or may tamper lockout.

    Wouldn't be impressed if a customer called me to say I have moved the keypad myself and it no longer works come fix it...

    I’m sure your response to the original request of installing a new keypad would have been different to what I received…

  2. 12 hours ago, MrHappy said:


    none spring to mind,


    I other free of charge - Moral Support.... you can do this ?


    I won't sell parts, as some mong will put the battery in the wrong way or whatever

    Looks like parts can easily be purchased and some of these systems are self install. Not my preference and would prefer the system to be maintained. 

    30 minutes ago, james.wilson said:

    agree with the above comments but it sounds like your wired keypad has no data.

    It’s all working but need to have a new keypad installed. At least the system is working so now I will be trying to find a new company to install the new keypad and maintain the system. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, sixwheeledbeast said:


    That's the exact opposite of what I would expect from any installer.

    Unfair to make that comment so broad considering it's only one company they may just be sparks with alarms on the side for all we know.

    Any incoming installer SHOULD reprogram the system, otherwise they take the risk the outgoing installer programmed the system incorrectly.

    You will need an installer at some point it's not going to service itself and when it breaks with no contract you’re going to have fun finding someone short notice.

    Yes, you’re right, it probably is unfair for a blanket statement as I am sure it’s not all installers. Unfortunately it leaves a bad taste when you take time to select an installer and then get treated like this. I certainly will be on the lookout for a new company who can service the existing alarm.

  4. 44 minutes ago, MrHappy said:


    Alarm companies employ people to work on alarms, if your expecting someone from the company to talk you though & hold your hand while you modify their work you may surprised to find out "cheerio & good luck" might be the reply


    However I'd delete the radio keypad & relearn it, beware battery life & range are not amazing....

    I was happy to pay for their service. It was me needing to move a keypad so not a fault and therefore more than prepared to pay for them to come out and do the work. Unfortunately they seem to have no interest in doing that.


    I have got the keypad wired and working. The wireless keypad I have seems to be working fine too. 


    My ask was to see if there were companies on here who offer remote support. I was concerned as I thought a new installer would want to go and re configure the system which I didn’t really want to pay for. The system works, was just the fact I wanted a keypad moved. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, al-yeti said:

    How much does the installation company want for the work?


    Will be interesting if your comip and smart com fails , not easy to fix 

    They wouldn’t even come out and do it which confuses me. No idea why. I have got everything back up and running which is good. Shame these alarm companies are so quick to dismiss customers once the installation fees have been made.


    Comip and Smart com are working

    49 minutes ago, sixwheeledbeast said:

    No data to the keypad.

    Not sure why a company would support a system that you have retained the engineers code.


    Yeh I got the issue fixed. They provided it to me so that would be a question to them.

  6. Hi,


    I’m new here and looking for support with a Texecom Alarm. I had it installed around 18 months ago but recently had to move the main keypad due to some decorating. The company who installed the alarm are not being helpful at all which is a little disappointing. I have move the keypad and re-wired it but having some issues. Not sure if its an option here but happy to pay for remote support if there are forum members who offer this.


    A little more info, I have a premier elite alarm with a wired and wireless keypad. I also have a Com-IP and Smart-Com for app usage and access through a home automation system. The alarm is working in terms of the app as I can see zones, however the keypad only shows me the version details and I cannot seem to get through that detail. The wireless keypad is connected and working however when I try to set the alarm I get “Radio not ready Wait b/f Arming”. I have the engineer code to be able to get access but this main keypad I think is the issue.


    Hopefully someone can help.


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