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Everything posted by Nelboy

  1. Hello, In my box of old-ish CCTV stuff in the loft I have a Heitel CIO unit, it was put up there 2 or 3 years or so ago as I couldn't find any worthwhile information online about it; from what sparse information is out there, I assume this CIO unit can take input signals from a PIR sensor or similar and can then switch its own internal relays and/or send a command down an RS485 line to an attached camera such as to call up a camera preset position or pattern tour etc. There's no markings at all to show what terminal inputs do what, there's not even anything to show where the power input goes! There's a 9-pin D-SUB socket which I assume is an RS232 port, but otherwise just a shipload of those green pull-out type terminals. The outer casing had no markings on the front either, the only reason I know it's a heitel CIO is because the PCB inside has a sticker stating 'CIO' on it. Is there a way of programming this CIO unit as a standalone device and not linked up to (for example) a camdisk server? I have a few cameras like Bosch Mickeys, 360 Predators, Redvision X's, but none of those have the Alarm Card addition on the PSU, so I'm wondering if the Heitel CIO could be used in place of an alarm card, that way I could have my PIR sensors tell the camera to go to the relevant presets whilst importantly the CIO switches relays. An example of what I'd be after:- (System protocol: Pelco-P 9600 Baud) Sensor Input 1: Camera ID1 to preset 1, switch CIO relay 1 on for 6 seconds Sensor Input 2: Camera ID1 to preset 2, switch CIO relay 1 on for 6 seconds Sensor Input 3: Camera ID1 to preset 3, switch CIO relay 1 on for 6 seconds Sensor Input 4: switch CIO relay 1 on for 6 seconds Sensor Input 5: switch CIO relay 2 on for 30 seconds Sensor Input 6: Camera ID1 to preset 6, switch CIO relay 1 on for 6 seconds Sensor Input 7: Camera ID1 to preset 7, switch CIO relay 1 on for 6 seconds CIO relay 2 to also be switchable using 'AUX2' momentary switch via DVR CIO relay 3 to be switchable using 'AUX1' on/off toggle switch via DVR If the unit can be programmed as such, would this be done through the RS232 port? *AND* what terminals would be used for the DC power input and the various alarm contact inputs or relay outputs? and likewise is there suitable software still available in order to program the unit, as this isn't exactly new tech...? Thanks.
  2. For the time being I've now shelved this one... longer term I'll have to put in a new underground conduit to the outbuildings if I want to put in more analogue cameras - it's looking as if that might be the easier option! I have a Dynamic CCTZ "EZHD8" unit which is currently linked up over the local network, the live stream page works over my browser though there's no means of reviewing pre-recorded footage over the network with this unit. Since my last post I've acquired 4 AHD cameras from a refurbishment project, so I might longer term think of upgrading to an AHD DVR such as something from Concept Pro. I've got something else I want to look at, but will put that as a seperate topic...
  3. Had some things going on at home which have knocked me back a bit, so this went on the back burner... but just tried accessing the DVR in Edge and it's just the same: blank white page. Dunno if there's an 'ie mode' for Edge but not holding out much hope that would work either. From what I've read up, DM did seem somewhat 'inflexible' shall we say, as well as being ever so slightly ridiculous in that if a user lost their password then DM's solution was to send the whole unit to them (at cost) for a reset as if that wasn't going to be a massive inconvenience by having the system out of service for ages. Over the network connection, the PTZ controls for the DS2 don't work - I don't know why, could it be related to why the Inspire isn't showing video over the network? I know DM did a hybrid unit of sorts, the DS2A, but it seems that the IP support for that is somewhat limited; and if I were to swap over to an IP system I'd want something that could support panoramic fisheye cameras, which I highly doubt the DS2A would (plus the lack of direct tech support now would be an issue). I have an old tower PC sat around which was working when I stopped using it but ran Win XP - a side thought I had is whether it'd be worthwhile to reconfigure it as some sort of NVR... the problem comes in that my home CCTV needs to be constantly running and can't have any downtime for swapping cable runs and installing new cameras, which is why I was thinking of a hybrid system simply because I'd be able to plug in my existing analogue cameras initially and then add in IP cams as and when required. It is a bit sad to see that now it's basically just Hikvision and Dahua dominating the market, with others like Bosch and Pelco just nibbling at the edges.
  4. I'm currently on a Windows 10 machine with Firefox browser (though I could use Edge if necessary). I've never really got on with Chrome, so FF and Edge are the two browsers I generally use - I do find that FF is a bit niggly in some aspects, such as with viewing PDF's for example it sometimes won't show pages (I had to open a schematic for a hi-fi in Edge because FF wouldn't show the right page and instead it was blank, and the bits it would show wouldn't print properly). Given that my networked DS2 also doesn't show video feeds in browser view does make me wonder if there's a browser or router issue. I don't have any COP client software, and presumably there's no point contacting them as they seem to be little more than a Hikvision/Dahua reseller now. Longer term I would like to get a hybrid unit so that I can keep some analogue cameras where an upgrade isn't necessary right now but upgrade others - I'd like to get a 360 Fisheye camera for my side passage as there's an area of about 3 square ft that's not covered by any cameras due to positions of walls. But obviously my DS2 has a lot of functions that other units lack:- the CBUS network allows all 3 of my monitoring stations which are remote from the DS2 housing to have full keyboard control whilst at the same time allowing PIR sensor inputs to wire into a remote alarm module that translates the data back along the CBUS lines to the DS2 so I don't need to run extra cables; even just as simple as the keyboard having Aux1 and Aux2 controls is something that other units lack - and the back camera uses Aux1 to switch lights, whilst that and two other cameras use Aux2 to switch on an external loudspeaker for talkback. Unless there's a generic call preset command which will switch Aux1 or Aux2 then I'd need those controls on anything which I plan to use permanently
  5. Yeah this is the thing... the DS2 is a decent unit - I did have one die on me and now sits at 'halted in bootloader' after a wave of wierd things going on with it, so a spare unit is currently running but obviously if that were to go then I've got nothing which I know is working. The system has PIR sensors set up and three monitoring points which are remote to the location of the DS2, so the ability to have keyboards added on is really useful... it's just the low resolutuin which is a bit of a bugbear.... plus the NetVu Observer software has vanished from the internet, presumably because DM went bust and then came back so all their old links were broken, and my DS2 doesn't have it on the system (clicking the download link brings a 404). I'm using NetVu Client software to view the streams, but the wierd thing with that is that the PTZ controls don't work (well, my side camera is a static but has one of those Pelco protocol boards you can buy from China which has the Aux1 and Aux2 relays as well as outputs which activate with the zoom/focus/iris commands - the 'zoom' output currently powers a relay which switches a small spotlight, and that can be switched on through the NetVu software but then it won't switch off meanwhile the PTZ commands don't do anything with my Pelco Spectra's). The fact that NetVu Client only outputs downloaded recordings to .MJP is a pain in the **** as literally nothing will open it, so I have to use one of those screen recorder programs to get .MP4 and other more mainstream file types yes
  6. Hello, newly posting here.... I have a COP Inspire 16 Plus DVR system currently on test in an outbuilding which I'd like to potentially set up with a few of my spare cameras for a few weeks over the spring and summer to monitor the outbuildings whilst I do a bit of building work; though there may be potential for it to be used as the DVR for my house CCTV as that's currently using a DS2 (and yes, I know some will laugh at that due to its age). The COP Inspire has been connected to my home ethernet network and I set it up with a static local IP address, gateway, etc - but had it connected through a router which is being used as a Wi-Fi repeater to give full wi-fi for the outbuildings. On logging in to the primary network router to check the LAN connections, the COP Inspire shows up on the static IP I had selected *BUT* when I tried to navigate to that address (let's say for the sake of an example) the browser came back with a server timeout. If I disconnect the repeater router (wi-fi extender) and use a cable coupler to instead join the cable for that repeater router directly to the cat5 cable for the Inspire DVR then I can 'technically' log in to the DVR over the local network. Presumably there is some setting or firewall on the repeater router that I need to adjust? ... also, I say that I can 'technically' log in to the DVR simply because I don't get a timeout error, and the page title changes to "Inspire DVR"... **BUT** the page is blank: there is no prompt for an ActiveX plugin, no command buttons, and no video stream. The page HTML is as follows: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Inspire DVR</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <style> body { margin-left:0px; margin-top:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-bottom:0px; } </style> <script language="javascript"> function NotifyActiveX(p) { var ncx = document.getElementById('ncX'); if (ncx == null) return; var urla = document.URL.split('/'); // var dev = urla.length > 3 ? urla[2] : ''; // for test: file://e:\projects\dvs\... var address = dev.split(':'); //, www.higheasy.cn:81 try { ncx.SetURL(dev); ncx.SetDevice(address[0]); } catch (e) { } } </script> </head> <body scroll="no"> <object id="ncX" width="100%" height="100%" classid="CLSID:7E866715-C9B6-4C64-AAB8-342E0D137213" onReadyStateChange="NotifyActiveX(this)" codebase="EDVR.CAB#version=1,1,0,24661"> </object> </body> </html> .... the IP addresses of 172.1... etc return nothing. Likewise navigating to\projects brings back a 'not found' error, as does\ Is this blank page issue something that can be fixed? I have tried making an FTP connection over the network to the DVR using the default Admin password (which works for using the machine directly), but get the error "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.".... if this is an issue that can only be solved with a Cat5 crossover and telnet then we're going into territory I'm unfamiliar with. (as it is my DS2 only has basic networking, for some reason the PTZ commands don't work - so it'd be nice to have at least one DVR which works properly over the network!) I'd really like to get this unit working over the local network as it's a means of adding in more cameras quickly, then I can review alerts and footage over the PC.... Otherwise my only other spare DVR is a Hikvision DS-7208-HGHI-SH which I haven't even began to set up for testing because I don't have the 12v power supply required. I've got other questions for another time, but for now any help on this will be much appreciated.
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