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Everything posted by JonJR

  1. Wow, 4 hours, when my alarm went off at 2am, I was so releaved the the guy was there listening in before I even woke up. As a personal user, would I have them rather than a bellbox, absolutely! Could I afford ADT absolutely not!
  2. I guess you are not aiming for small households, which is my issue. No other company offers 2 way response 24/7 for £15 a month.
  3. No, they ring me or the other 3 people on my list, but they only charge £15 a month, which is my big issue here. Where else can you get that for £15 a month, if we are clearly being burgled or worst attacked, they’d hear and ring police. How many people can afford ADT level of alarm monitoring in their house. Guys, I’ve run a business for 20 years, if I was in your game I’d be approaching the company in question to enquire about adding their monitoring to your systems.
  4. Cheers Norman, will take a look. Guys, why have a ‘guest forum’ if you’re just gonna take the piss and criticise anyone who asks a question. I’ve worked in electronics all my life, but I don’t know alarms, was just after a few pointers, should’ve know better. And as as for the monitoring company, I’d have them any day of the week instead of a bellbox, bellboxes are soo last century! When did you last rush out when an alarm went off at 2am!
  5. Last serviced 2016, new battery 3 years, did that myself.
  6. First fault in 8 years, how many of your alarms develop faults in 8 years, just saying!
  7. Norman, thanks for the first contructive response, no we’ve had it 8 years, it’s out of warranty, they will fix it for a fair fee, but as I’m good with a multimeter and electrics, I thought I’d come here for a few tips.
  8. And the average semi in Manchester can afford that? You guys may not like them, but I’ve used them for 8 years and they are great, alarm goes off and they are there talking to you, all for £15 a month. Alarm bell box goes off and your neighbors just get annoyed.
  9. Come on guys tell me how much ADT charge and convince me how I can’t afford it!!! What about Redcare, are they £15 a month to have someone reassure you at 2 am when the alarm goes off!
  10. Any of you guys be on the end of the speaker talking to us while we go downstairs at 2 in the morning, all for £15 a month????!!!
  11. So guys, who do you recommend for alarm monitoring at £15 a month. We had a standard alarm and got all our stuff robbed in a burglary whilst the alarm went off. Any of you guys offer monitoring for £15 a month.
  12. He must share his spare room as I’ve spoken to a few of them over the last few days and they are on the phone EVERY time the alarm is triggered. And I know for a fact a very large chain of bookmakers use them.
  13. Monitoring is only £45 ish a quarter. Which is a lot less than ADT. Would recommend them.
  14. That’s the one, they’ve actually been good, have 2 premises alarmed with them for nearly 8 years.
  15. Yep in UK, it’s a Veritas R8 plus. There’s a speaker and microphone unit, if a burglar enters the system rings monitoring station and they come on and ask for password, the alarm is ringing them but they can’t hear anything. It only seems to have been going on for the last month, it worked okay yesterday morning but down again today.
  16. Hi, We’ve had a monitored alarm for a few years, it’s recently stopped working, it rings the monitoring station but they can’t hear us and we can’t hear them. It does occasionally work. It’s only a theory but could it be the heat, something expanding? Main alarm unit is in the loft and it gets unbearably hot up there and we’ve only noticed the issue the last month. Don’t want to get them out and find it’s something stupid that will take me 2 mins to sort. Cheers
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