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Everything posted by Radish

  1. Probably completely irrelevant but I noticed the alarm notification was 20.12 on 05.08.16 but your device is looking for footage at 20.12 on 02.08.16 ???
  2. Yes omitting a circuit to set the system. Basically a fairly large system has just gone in and the engineer didnt give any of the zones the omit attribute. There have been a couple of issues with devices and the user couldnt set the alarm due to them showing permanently in the open state.. I changed the zones to allow omit [as I have always done] but was told after your not allowed on grade 3.
  3. Not personally. I work for a national that seem pretty clueless.
  4. Hi all. I've been told that the user is not allowed to omit zones when full setting a grade 3 system. Is this true or am I being mis-informed?
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