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Everything posted by Mt1967

  1. Ehm, so I have, I'll double check tomorrow but I must have it wrote down wrong from today as according to the diagram I done today of the old bell wiring confirms Green is Bell - and Yellow is Tamper and has been for the last 15 years! Do you know what the conversion should be chap? Thank you!
  2. Hi all, Today I fitted a new bell box which is a Texecom Premier Odyssey 1E which has a different wiring combination to the old Nova box. Can someone help me with the conversion please? I thought I had it right but when I placed the battery jumper on pins 1 & w and put the cover on, the bells sounded and would not turn off, on the RKP display, fault was Bell Tamper! I'll list the wiring of the Gardtec 800 panel and old bell box along with the new bell box. Thanks in advance for any help. control panel wiring for bell. Strobe Blue + White - Bell Red + Black - Bell hold Yellow SAB TMP Green Old bell box. Strobe White - Blue + S- Bell SW Green TMP Yellow Red + Black - New bell box A (12V) Permanent Positive supply B (Bell) Negative applied Output to activate siren C (Tamp) Negative removed on Tamper input D (0V) Permanent t Negative supply S (STRB) Negative Applied Output to activate Strobe thanks
  3. Thanks Peter, i forgot to mention I was going to replace the battery, iirc it's a 12v 7ah I think!
  4. Hi guys, right I think I'm going to fit a new bell unit, check over the circuit and go from there as I say it's been a while since install and although it's been pretty trouble free, it obviously needs looking at! Do do I take it any bell unit sold today will still fit ok? I'm going to change the door contact and the kitchen pir as although I'm sure it's a pet unit they do have a dog again now, although like I say it doesn't go off when it's set, so it's not the Jack Russell in the kitchen. Thanks
  5. Thanks, I just thought if tamper was fault it would display on the screen! Oh well
  6. The tamper circuit was connected at time of install, would the display not show something up if it was down to a zone/p.i.r etc? I think I'll replace the battery in the bell box, I presume there isn't a common type? My brother seems to think I installed the system back in 2000, I didn't think it had been that long but it could well have been! I know I've replaced the battery in the panel since then that's for sure. Thanks
  7. Hi all, firstly I'd like to say Hi! A few years ago I installed a Gardtec 800 system in my brothers house and it's all been working fine until recently, the outside bell box goes off randomly with the system unset, the family is home so no intruders etc, the problem is there is no fault displayed on the keypad so I'm wondering if it could be down to the battery! If I set and unset the system it operates as usual but does not turn off the alarm! Any ideas peeps? Thanks Mark
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