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anyone having a bad day


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There was in inspector known for generating revenue here in Hull a few years ago and I myself got caught out by his slight 'ommission' of a few things.

Went to get a parking permit for the day. The street involved had a car park and I was told to park there and pay for the standard 2 hours and the permit would take over at 11am.

Parked up in the car park (council owned street side park with about 8 bays). Paid the £1.20 for 2 hours and displayed the ticket. Came down just after 11am and replaced the ticket with the permit. 3 hours later, low and behold, I had a ticket.

We tried to contest it saying we had carried out the inspectors instructions to the 'T' only to find that once the 2 hour parking ticket ran out, I was meant to move the car onto the double yellows and display the permit there. So in short, the inspector failed to tell me I had to move once my car park paid ticket ran out so my ticket was for expired parking in a car park.

I'm sure they do it deliberately. That chap seems to have gone now anyways. But during Hull Fair week here, he would be found in the streets where traffic ground to a crawl checking tax disks. Very very sneaky individual.

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I had a bad day last year at a High School.

I decommissioned a Central battery system for emergency lighting,which used 24 huge 1v glass batteries which needed regular topping up.

I was transporting 3 batteries out of the school when the trolley hit a pothole right outside school entrance,during break,in front of the whole School.

The batteries smashed and i had the janitors running about with hoses to dilute the acid.

My trousers got massive holes in them from acid and it felt a total t1t. :whistle::shy:

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So what were you saying about working smarter.....?

well remembered zak ;)



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Well you must have at least got a free sarnie or were they a tight customer?

The latter monteey :no:

update he's no making a cliam for the small wet patch on his dirty carpet which happened to be fitted in his living room then out onto his landing and stairs hmmmm!!!!! banghead



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