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Recommended Installers in Hayes Middlesex Area

Guest Malford

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Guest Malford

Sorry if this post has been repeated a thousand times...

My mother has just moved house and has taken the guard dog with her so i now have a desperate need of a quality alarm system.

I am a mechanic with a good to basic knowledge of electrical setups and have considered installing one myself.

The house is in a "Pre Decorative state" so i havent got to be to careful with wall paper etc.

Or should i let a experienced installer do the job. If so i need one in the Hayes Middlesex area and i need it fitted by the end of August.

My house is a Mid terrace 4 bedroom 2 reception 1 kitchenand 1 downstairs toilet, how much would i be likey to be charged for a wired system?

I have considered a monitored system but as i plan to emmigrate next easter i dont want to spend a fortune on something that im only going to have a few months of use out off. But im very worried about the possiblilty of being burgled, have lived in this house for 33 years and touch wood no burglaries.

Or should i just buy a flashing dummy box and keep my fingers crossed? (if so where can i get a good one like the ones //.National Installer.// use?)

Thanks for any replys


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Have a look at this link, guidelines

Dave has given a rough guide to prices on this page.

If you can read a manual have common sense and can operate a drill there is no reason why you couldn't do it yourself. You could always get advice from this site if required.

Really the descision comes down to money. Do it yourself save money on labour and buy a better specd panel. Getting somebody to do it costs more money but has benefits in being fitted reasonably quickly and in full working order.

Some companies are better than others take a look round the neighbourhood see what bell boxes are up and get a recommendation of these companies.

Dummy bellboxes are of a limited use in my opinion unless it is a dummy box put up by a known local firm with their name on it.


Simmo B)

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