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Quick Question About Scantronic Wirelesshomelink55


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Im looking at having the above system installed though a pj jobby though a friend for mum n dad, all a want to know is what pir i can use because they have a dog, not a big dog. I read up about this system and am aware it works on the 868frq, does this mean i can use any pet pir that operates at 868frq because i dont want my mum and dad gettin ribbed of for the price of the wireless scantronic pet pir, are there other options they can use? plus same applys for door contracts, use any wireless ones that operate at da 868frq.

one more thing, on the homelink 55 what does it mean by "zones 1-4 only" because they dont want any cables run, which is understandable, apart from the bell which with covered, dad and i worked out the route for that so thats ok.

sorry if they seem like dumb question but id rather hear from other ppl who understand alarms and can guide me in the right direction and give me helpfull information without it costin them an arm and leg if i can save them money by getting things cheaper that does the same thing then i will.

your advise will be much helpfull

thank you


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