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Mishaps I've witnessed

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Loved all the stories in this section but thought it was time to mention one or two I've been witness to.

When I started out about 10 years ago, I worked for a small company that mainly installed in council houses. All these stories happened during that time.

Whilst installing with my then boss, we had an apprentice who was so smart he put a door contact on the hinge side of the door.

OK! the really funny stuff then lol.


During an install at a council house with my then boss, it was time to install the landing PIR detector. back in those days, I could have sworn that I posessed 'The Force' as I seldom had problems. Anyways, there was my boss, on top of his steps drilling just under the coving at a slight angle. If all went well, the cable would drop down from the loft. But all didn't go well.

He started drilling with his 2ft 6mm drillbit and easy enough, the drill bore through the wall within seconds. He slapped the drill into reverse and started pulling back. His drill instantly ground to a halt. I could see him pulling away from the wall, smoke coming from the drill as it was buzzing but wasn't going round. I threw up a dust sheet to put over his foot to gain some leverage on the wall and slowly, over about 3 minutes, his drill slowly emerged..... with a cotton designer T Shirt ripped and oil covered wrapped around the drill bit. Yup, he'd inadvertantly drilled through the wall into the customers wardrobe.

It gets worse. In sheer panic and embarrassment, he stuffed the damaged clothing article down his trousers and left the house to hide it in the van.


Same company but now I was installing with my brother-in-law. We decended upon this particular customer about 9 years ago and introduced ourselves. She was a very pretty young lady indeed and had a small baby, aged about 24. (Her not the baby! lol). After the initial introductions, we both tottered off, up the stairs to start lifting carpets. Within minutes, she offered us a cuppa and she dissappeared down the stairs again. Now, boys will be boys eh?? lol. There we were, on the landing now commenting on the lady. You know how it goes lads, we were commenting on how sh@gg@ble she was plus a whole lot more. She then called upstairs to say our brew was ready so i went down to get it. I arrived in the lounge and the customer was there, smiling like a cheshire cat. I collected the drinks and began to wonder what had got into her. This was really odd. I thought she was trying to come onto me with her smiles and banter. At that moment, my brother-in-law jumped into verse and then I realised..... She had heard everything we had said on the baby intercom.

I'll save the rest for later as theres a fair few of em.


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