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Ben P

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Posts posted by Ben P

  1. 4 minutes ago, sixwheeledbeast said:

    There is a battery in the control panel this is something that requires periodic checking and replacement.

    Isolating the voltage either from the terminals in the panel, or you can remove the mains and battery but that should trigger the outside sounder if the system works correctly.

    You could as you say just swap it live and make sure they don't touch but that risk is up to you.

    If your doing work in the house I would personally recommend wiring with proper alarm cable to sensor positions over a wireless system.


    Spot on, thank you! I'll see how I get on later today.


    Agreed on the wired system, unfortunately didn't consider this until finishing multiple rooms. So wireless is my only real option now



  2. 42 minutes ago, sixwheeledbeast said:

    If it's that old I be thinking of replacing more than just one grotty PIR.

    They are old and basic don't have any engineer modes so it's just isolate the voltage so you don't blow stuff and either disable or silence the tamper as they occur.


    Thanks for that! I assume with the mains disconnected there is a backup feed as the sensor still appears to flash red when I trigger it?


    When you say isolate the voltage, are you meaning to ensure the cables are kept isolated from one another when removing them off the old PIR?


    Longer term I will be swapping the alarm for a wireless system but for now I just wanted to make it look neater as the whole room has been replastered and painted.



  3. Hi everyone,


    I have an old house with a Logic 4 key operated alarm system fitted.


    I need to change the old grotty looking PIR sensor for a new one.


    Can anyone help advise what mode or procedure I have to put the alarm box in to swap out the PIR please?


    Box is the same as this one; https://www.picclickimg.com/d/l400/pict/233496060845_/Logic-4-key-operated-home-alarm-system-intruder.jpg


    Any help would be much appreciated.





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