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Posts posted by Dklemm

  1. Have a look at this I created https://github.com/dklemm/FlexSIA2MQTT.  It might even do what you want, if not it should still help you work out how to ACK the alarm messages.  


    I had plans to create a HomeAssistant auto discovery component and commands api (set/arm etc),  I have a poc of this just not looked at it for a while.


    Much of this was reverse engineered from https://github.com/mkontsek/openGalaxy.




  2. 16 hours ago, ARL007 said:

    Hi DKlemm,

     I am working on a similar thing but I am also struggling to figure the ACK message, can you give me a bit more information on how you calculate the correct acknowledgement message, I have figured the last bit being a parity check using column parity but I am unsure which function code or message to use, it appears the opengalaxy sends in blocks but under udp it just seems to transmit the whole string with different function codes throughout the message.

    Many Thanks




    What programming language are you using?


     Response is the same format as request <MESSAGE_LENGTH><FUNC_CODE><MESSAGE><PARITY_CHECK>


    MESSAGE_LENGTH is offset from what I and remember. 

    FUNC_CODE is ACK (taken from OpenGalaxy)


    I'll check my code for the offset and the ACK char code, but I think is the standard ascii (decimal 6).





  3. I finally managed to get the PIR and Fob to correct using v2.  I think it was the 2nd tamper switch on the PIR and I hadn't tried the v2 on the fob .  I don't know why it didn't connect on the alpha protocol.


    I have remove the RIO anyway, to avoid that confusing matters but will add that back in but after cold start in the order you recommend.  Although for info I think you can change the RF Address using Menu RF Address [51.60.1], according to the documentation.


    GalaxyGuy many thanks for the help!





    Yes, I can't get the address to populate when trying the learn the devices.  I'll try the 2nd tamper switch tonight, I'm not 100% confident because I don't get from RX flashes from PIR but I'll try anything.  I'll also check the portal address.


    I don't want to disagree with you because I can see you have years experience and really appreciate yoru assistance but this is the info from the v3 Installer Manual. Also when starting the RF learning process the keypad asks be to select a zone, it allows me to select from all 20 - I've tried selected from all 3 of the ranges you mention above.




    Feature or peripheral

         Flex 20

        Flex 50

        Flex 100

    RS485 Lines




    Zones (on board)




    Zones (maximum)




    Zones (Wireless)





    Many Thanks for the help!


  5. No v2 didn't work either, well the PIR (IR8M) didn't.  I haven't tried the fob (TCC800M) as its a little more fiddly with swap over.  Obviously I was in the correct menu for each device.


    I didn't try "Russia" jumper, just the protocol jumper.  I also tried alpha to v2 and via versa just in case reading the switching wrong, but I didn't get any RX on the portal in these modes as expected.


    alpha > alpha - RX flashes rapidly 3 times, no TX flashes.. 

    v2 > v2 - No RX/TX 

    alpha > v2 - No RX/TX - as expected. 

    v2 > alpha - No RX/TX - as expected. 


    Don't know if it makes a difference but the RF version is v3.00 and the FX020 is v3.37.  I don't have any software or firmware update them anyway.

  6. 22 hours ago, al-yeti said:

    What model rf portal is it ? Exactly you got picture ?



    I've got A073-00-01, still got the same problem.  Don't know what else I can try, not much to configure really.  The board joust won't TX anything.


    I'm thinking of buying another board to see if its faulty.  Is the C079 the same board in an external enclosure?  Can I just remove it from the external panel and put it in the main FX020 panel?

  7. I can't find any documentation that says you can mix 1 RIO with an RF Portal.  Also the maximum wireless zones is 20 on the FLEX020 so the wireless must override be able to override the wired zone with its virtual address.  However I'm still having problems setting this up.


    I can't get the RF Portal to learn any devices TCC800 or IR8M.  The data light on the RF portal is bus light is flashing and the RX light flashes when I initiate the process on the peripheral.  The TX light never flashes.  I've removed the RIO and cold started the panel to ensure its not related.  I've checked the protocol I'm using alpha on the portal and peripherals.   I think I might have a faulty RF portal.


  8. On 04/04/2014 at 7:01 PM, GalaxyGuy said:

    On-board 12 zones with the Flex.  If you want to expand the FX20, then add a RIO.  If you want wireless capability, you cannot mix RIO and RF portal on the FX20 - The Flex is buggy as hell around the virtual RIO config when adding wireless.


    My advice would have been to get a Dimension 48 over the Flex panels, but since you've bought already it's too late... 



    Can you mix the RIO with RF portal on the same bus provided your still only using the max 20 zones?  


    I have the Flex 20, I'm not using all the onboard zones but an external RIO has massively added wiring.  I've not setup the wireless yet but was planning on using at least one wireless zone and more importantly I want to use the wireless fob TCC800MS.  Hope I don't need to swap for flex50.


    Many Thanks

  9. I finally got this working with lots of help from the openGalaxy project to help me understand the protocol.


    The basic data patten is <MESSAGE_LENGTH><FUNC_CODE><MESSAGE><PARITY_CHECK>,  The alarm expects the same data patten (with correct FUNC_CODE) to acknowledge the messages.  The MESSAGE part then has it own pattern.


    My code is closed at the moment but I may open source parts of it once matured.




    I've installed a Galaxy Flex20 (in my home) with Ethernet module both are setup and working ok as an alarm.  I've configured an AUX receiver to Ethernet, I'm not using ARC becuase from what I understand the panel needs a restart if it faults, but the AUX receiver can recover from the fault without a restart.


    Now I'm trying to develop a TCP-IP ARC receiver for the SIA protocol.  I've got simple server running and can read the 1st message ("D#1000�", 1000 is the account number) but I can't ACK the data so the next message isn't received.   I've used a number of resources open source projects to help me learn the messaging protocol but can't find and info in ACK'ing the messages.  


    https://www.securityindustry.org/SiteAssets/Standards/Intrusion Subcommittee/DC-09 Preparing for ANSI Public Review.pdf  Old draft, limited usefulness and very difficult to understand, wouldn't be a standards document if it was.

    https://github.com/mkontsek/openGalaxy - Large C++ project with limited support for flex v3, I've not tried building.  The code is difficult for me to follow becuase I'm not a c++ programmer.

    http://www.mike-stirling.com/2016/06/bridging-texecoms-alarm-signalling-protocol-to-mqtt/  This was the most interesting and usefulness so far, its also publishes to mqtt, which is where I want to get to.  Even though it has an SIA message parser it doesn't seam to be compatible with my Flex 20 v3 format what ever level/version that is?

    https://github.com/roushan5mishra/CID_SIA_SignalReceiver/ I just found this project whilst writing this post to i'm going to try this now, looks like is has a similar ack response as the others   "\x06\x0D\x0A"  <ACK><CR><LF>?


    Where I'm trying to get to is in IOT of sensors that I can monitor them remotely.  I will probably open source the bridge from SIA to some queuing protocol and write some closed apps (ios and Android)  and server (probably NodeJS) to send and receive push notifications.


    @GalaxyGuy I've read a number of your messages and replies on this forum and others, it all been very useful but I've struggled to piece it all together.  Maybe you can help?









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