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Everything posted by Ashton

  1. Ahh I see I'll say no more so how many years have you all been doing security systems/years experience?
  2. No not part of my tool kit haha why?
  3. with regards to the Daitem post from a member of public is this the same sas company which was prosecuted? Or is this a company of similar name and no association Yep that's a true point look a lot better these days aswell although I suspect give it a few years and engineers will be saying the same about what's new now
  4. The type you can actually here change state when you trigger them lol good quality relays though?
  5. Lol sorry I meant engineers haha and hi everyone sorry for late reply was just scrolling through some of the photos of the old detectors (old school) can say I've only ever de-commissioned some of those seems a shame sometimes as I bet they would last the test of time compared to some of the newer ones
  6. Ok for that so where are you all based are you both installers?
  7. Hi sorry about first post sounded like I was joining an aa meeting lol how do I go about joining as a trade member James? Are you admin sorry? I'm a newbie what can I say Covering the Manchester area all over the northwest though to be fair
  8. Hi everyone have been viewing the sites posts a while now and decided to sign up (should of done so sooner) I'm a security engineer based in northwest
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