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Everything posted by GHellens_67880

  1. Played dress up for the evening. Inside scoop Mary Berry is a party… https://t.co/VEfUr5GYDV

  2. RT @Plastician: U see people doing dry January? If u are a Grime DJ and u are playing in a club in January see if u can go without playing…

  3. Obviously #NowPlaying Godfather by Wiley. ♫ https://t.co/OShEX8RG8W

  4. @GHellens and the tragedy of work away days that exist

  5. @JessBridgeman you were in my in case you missed it column and the next tweet was this. Enjoy!

  6. 2017 - the year is off to a great start in journalism https://t.co/STObPzj7AK

  7. Great start to the day. Crazy bloke starting on me and shouting 'who's gonna lose their knees'. And I'm off to a panto #crazychristmas

  8. When you get home for Christmas and it's acceptable to listen to Blues for hours on end. With… https://t.co/ykJ5MXjgB1

  9. So sad to hear about Craig Sager such a character of the @NBA

  10. Look at this top boy in his christening present Jordan's.

  11. RT @VICEUK: A very precise calculation of exactly how many cows are being murdered to make the new fivers https://t.co/wVxVSxkk9h https://t…

  12. What an awesome play The Royale tabernaclew11 was, gripping story of Jack Johnson the boxer. @… https://t.co/xgu8brMI5c

  13. @0sand1s @SW_Trains you tell em Dave

  14. 20 years and the website is still going strong. Pretty much the basis of my childhood #SpaceJam… https://t.co/X4Sr3r4sCY

  15. The landlord was in session tonight @officialgiggs the guests though #JME @Skepta @therealkano @… https://t.co/DP0bkk0FcV

  16. World political history repeating itself, we've seen the outcome of these sagas and by tradition it isn't a good picture

  17. Another good day out @nfl_uk of course it was a draw can't play in the UK without a draw.… https://t.co/Q6vtupc1kE

  18. Popped out to see Larry on my day off @nba exhibition in Shoreditch #nbacrossover @ Kachette https://t.co/GE27u9uPI2

  19. It's a punt! @ Twickenham Stadium https://t.co/cmrJBHHwlR

  20. It's impresssive there's not one @SantanderCycles bike in the whole of Hackney

  21. I mean goodbye ratings but this is going to be incredible! https://t.co/Yc7xxolLcs

  22. When @Drake tickets go on sale we get a #DrakeCake @DarceyButtell @ Ticketmaster International HQ https://t.co/868dY3INIC

  23. @ChimaAnya haha yeah but in the act of that the way you move can help create more space. As we said watch college ball or euroleague

  24. Incredible evening @letterslive last night. Such a special and well executed event @ Letters Live https://t.co/hkTbNGlcTF

  25. I mean @LukeCage is incredible and the score by @AdrianYounge

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