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Status Updates posted by 7db

  1. @spattzzz @wompkin Big helium balloon.

  2. @shonizs2 Hahahaha. Is it ok to laugh?

  3. @wompkin he better have some monstrous deal with Junker to announce one week before vote or he’s just amateur hour.

  4. Amazon refuse to comment policy to refund and not return low value items. You won't believe what buyers did next... https://t.co/q0f12Kl9JZ

  5. @danbarker Worst formatted, too. Wants to polish that a bit if he's seriously looking. Perhaps put a photo.

  6. @sevitz i want a photo of @mgsmith57 next to the right one

  7. @darnjo i suspect foal play

  8. @W_H_I_R_L_Y Dukes?

  9. @W_H_I_R_L_Y You taken up football?

  10. @danbarker which one are you?

  11. @W_H_I_R_L_Y About time they built that.

  12. @wreeve scary popcorn candidate list https://t.co/TxDuamn4mR

  13. @sevitz https://t.co/llliBIfYhh

  14. @W_H_I_R_L_Y #code

  15. @spattzzz I usually find this when I'm thirsty

  16. @W_H_I_R_L_Y was an order I put in 60 days ago. ISF at 705. Boom. Out. 1999 all over again.

  17. RT @cynical_bathtub: Me: plagiarism is one of the worst things a writer can do Johann Hari: hold my beer Me: that was my beer

  18. @cianw @sevitz any words of advice for a second child’s arrival?

  19. @Widerife81 @guywalters and indeed the Exeter City ground: St James Park.

  20. @nilanp @cianw you want to think cheap / expensive as well as passive / active. https://t.co/MZziqq5eT2

  21. @W_H_I_R_L_Y volvo courtesy car?

  22. @cianw Can't tell if that's the author's name or a vocative subtitle. Inspirational stuff.

  23. @TheWhere4 @danbarker professional tweeterer

  24. @darnjo ceramic clutch and the maelstrom of God’s wrath behind it. Good luck with the pedals…

  25. RT @_youhadonejob1: Absolute agony. https://t.co/axaP3LQZV1

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