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Status Updates posted by 7db

  1. RT @_youhadonejob1: If Video games have taught anything this cat has a side quest for me. https://t.co/G0IrSgyzU7

  2. @wilsondan https://t.co/elkDiAX7mS

  3. @DrYew I assume they’d argue that they get to vote to change those institutions. Juncker, meanwhile, they feel cannot be changed…

  4. @sevitz @mgsmith57 @PrivatePatto https://t.co/FqgO9DrXr3

  5. I think I need this this morning. https://t.co/8yzeTgxPeJ

  6. @wompkin Does it? How does one know / calculate 2014 life expectancy?

  7. @W_H_I_R_L_Y time to renew the shotgum licence

  8. @wilsondan @wompkin I think you mean gert lush, surely.

  9. RT @pomodrunkard: I love this quote from Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins so much. https://t.co/7zMh0gkG8J

  10. @hirsty Change GP. If I call mine, I need to be in their car park to get in quickly enough to make it. PS get well soon.

  11. @spattzzz lol. Best news is: I'm the buyer in this instance. Now called eBay twice to inform of the error - not interested.

  12. @willcritchlow is taxation a moral imperative? a legal one? or a financial one? Different enforcement regimes (shame / violence / outcomes)

  13. @TheWhere4 uncharitably the job of the barrier isn't to hold back the sea, it's to divert it all over Essex.

  14. @sparky000 I’m quite sure that would have earned me a ‘don’t answer me back’

  15. @guywalters No, but if it extends to fetishisation, then you might find the room awfully empty...

  16. @spattzzz @je72 Three flying saucers cover the houses and half the estate. Handy for tplink plugs in the shed.

  17. @meliss_morris well done on the fundraising -- just read about it in Keystone's newsletter!

  18. @W_H_I_R_L_Y Jesus. Not even a denial. Hilditch and Key sale on now. Make amends.

  19. @danbarker ages since I’ve seen The Strand like that

  20. @W_H_I_R_L_Y sorry - I’ll get back to you when I’ve finished replumbing this washing machine

  21. @W_H_I_R_L_Y @wompkin jesus

  22. @W_H_I_R_L_Y @spattzzz pfffft. Enjoy your long weekend.

  23. @W_H_I_R_L_Y Being saved from credit card fees. #owngoal

  24. @sevitz @mgsmith57 amphibians?

  25. @spattzzz @W_H_I_R_L_Y Would it be too much to ask for an afternoon nap?

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