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Posts posted by AdamAlarm

  1. Well Eggybum, at first i thought you were exaggerating, so i did what a good installer should always do, i recreated the situation and tested. I concur, it is not a wise thing to forget.


    So to conclude, do not wash your hands in chilli, then rub your hands on the old saggy cannon.


    Official Report = Not wise, though repeating of this procedure can become pleasurable over time.


    There for ya dude......

  2. Touchscreen is cack on a laptop. As for windows, it is the ultimate shiiiiiiit. Win Xp was ok and you could take control of it if you needed. Win 7 was ok, after 2 years of **** ups. As for win 8, well, what a bin of cack. It has so much going on that cannot be controlled that 8 gig of ram is the starting point, most of which is taken up with stuff you are not using. As for the interface, well, what the hell were they thinking. Luckily, win 10 looks just as bad if not worse.


    When will they learn that improvement does not mean a whole workflow change. Win 7 just needed updating and that would have been fine, instead, shish....


    I have gone full Apple now. Even when a new o/s comes out, you don't have to spend months of frustration trying to understand it. It just is what it is and does what you want. Now with bootcamp you can have an un activated version of windows on to run any UDL programs required. VMware Fusion adds even quicker functionality to a windows OS. 


    Go Mac, and they are cheaper than a midrange i5 or i7 PC, which is even better.


    Always buy on MacStore, never from the shops, man those dudes are cocks.....

  3. Monday failed to pick up, when guaranteed to, wednesday failed to pick up when guaranteed to twice, now friday pick up. Don't tell me dell are a good company. Apple can do this incredibly well and so can most other companies, individuals from ebay, Yet!, the great dell cannot. Garbage. 


    Buy one, have a problem and see where you are then. NEVER BUY DELL!!!!

  4. Beef Drink?....No, you do hotchoc or don do it at all. I am getting tired of trying to educate you heathens....And, no i have no idea what this thread is about, but i am still waiting for the morons from Dell to pick up. 


    Its like being employed by the council, done one hours work and 7 hours hotchoc and sandwiches....waiting.....waiting.....waiting.....

  5. Castle has ended?. I checked the websites last year and all Castle employees i knew have gone. Replaced by the Pyronix mugs. Very sad. Some of those guys were really good. I checked their Linkedin profiles and happily they have been picked up by some much better companies and have a future they deserve. Pyronix yab on about how British they are, Chinese products, getting rid of British workers, scrounging from the government to support their crappy ideas, (Our Tax). When you buy products, you should look at what kind of companies are making them. They have and always will think we are too stupid to know this.

  6. Never said anything about the laptops?....i said their service. Bloody installers, all frazzled by microwave radiation.....And i do not always complain. friggin cheek of it. And, i did not come down on Castle, i liked castle, it was when Py'Shiit'onix started messing around with them that i did not like. It was like Lada taking over BMW and shaping the future around Lada.

    Mmmm, they re not complaints by the way, as yet i cannot think of another word to use to prove my point, but i am sticking with it until i have been through the dictionary....

  7. This is not Microsoft and not the same business. But, you are correct in a way, microsoft should support older OS's, absolutely. Two wrongs do not make it right. All companies should support old products. Not fully, but at least when support ends for a product there are some support documents based on past issues or programming routines that should be created to pass on if required. These should be step by step, easy to follow guides that an installer can use, rather than the crazy manuals the cop-out with. This would take little time and solve so many issues for a very long time.


    This would be pro-active rather than, screw you. You make a good point though with microsoft as an example. It seems the american mentality is being used to justify **** support. dell, is probably the best example. This is not good for UK business or business in general. If all we want to do is follow, then we are going to find it difficult, because the americans are far better at **** service than us.


    We should be leading, not following. Though, your comment is correct, that extra mile is now going in the opposite direction. 

  8. I keep coming across people who keep getting cheap alarm fitters in then complaining about the quality. What the hell is wrong with these people. even if cash is hard to find, a reputable installer can still help. And, a basic alarm fitted by a pro is far better than a basic alarm fitted by a cowboy, yet the same price.


    What is going wrong, how can we change this stupidity?.....

    Maybe, registered Grade 1 installer certification is the answer?....Not sure.

  9. No, but if it works and all you want to know is how it works then why not?. It is not the customers responsibility to maintain a company. However, it sums up the attitude of Pyronix.  Budget systems with budget support and budget attitude. Buy Chinese **** and you get chinese **** service, based in uk or not. 


    Joe Public, scrap the scrap and buy a new one, only this time spend a bit more and buy from an Alarm Manufacturer, not a PIR manufacture who buys old bankrupt companies and passes the old technology off as state of the art. You get what you pay for. Pyronix, the Sports Soccer of the security world....Can't believe the attitude....


    'however unlikely the manufacturer where getting paid to do it'. Sums it up really.

  10. Totally agree. Doesn't matter about the age. Too many customer supports are really just company support, to help sell. They don't give a toss about the customer in reality. Take JimL's post, the manufacturer answer, we don't want to support you, just sell you another.


    Support the old panels you cop-outs, after all, it is 'CUSTOMER' support. Having said that, pay peanuts for products you get monkey back up. We always pay more and have panels out there at that age. The support team we use are only too happy to help. 

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