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Everything posted by Mattseed

  1. As a lay man, I'm guessing that's not something I could do myself......especially when I don't even know what a relay is ? Matt
  2. Thanks whistle. Yes it was Argus Wigan. The funny thing is it didn't do anything for the first year or so and even now it comes and goes. I'm not in the know on this subject and don't know what to do really. We spoke to Argus, they said it's a bit odd and they can send someone out for nearly £100 but if they can't find the fault we still pay. Not happy with that seeing as they are as confused as I am as to what it is. To all intents and purposes it sounds like phone line crackle.? Matt
  3. Thanks for that, it's odd as it's been about 2 months since it's done it then one day it just stopped.....then a few days ago it's started again. Is that normal for RF ? Thanks for your help Matthew
  4. Hi guys, my first post here, I have an argus alarm in my house that has so e wireless sensors etc. it was professionally fitted a few years back. On an off there is a constant crackle and buzz with occasional clicks coming out of the two internal speakers. It drives us mad even keeping us awake a night. Does anyone know what could cause this ? Thank you Matthew
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