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Status Updates posted by RossDargan

  1. @Bibbleq Home automation (plex is coming out with integration with it), but also just general home automation.

  2. @1Easterbrook @Aurora_Alerts @aurorawatchuk looks like just what I was after!

  3. You know you have to much **** on your desktop when you hide your icons prior to giving a remote presentation

  4. RT @dibiconf: 19 Tickets left at early bird price £125 http://t.co/pgaU5a6Gse For students discount & corporate deal email julie@epictimes…

  5. I cringe every time I have to do a try{load file...} catch (FileNotFoundException){//do nothing} on windows 8. File.exists... I miss you.

  6. Ha ha, I love that parallels adds in a notification centre for windows 8 on the mac.

  7. approved, see you in October @dibiconf :-)

  8. RT @DaveMcKinnon23: one of the best things that JK Rowling has written https://t.co/0c549rGaFy (via @nikeshshukla)

  9. You know it's not going to be a good day when the first thing you do is calculate the time you can have more paracetamol.

  10. There is something twisted about the power trip teachers must get from parents calling them mrs xxx/mr xxx

  11. I finally got my first PPI call on my work phone. I feel like I'm part of a very special club (that will ignore private calls from now on)

  12. Reverse the changes to school term time family holiday rules - e-petitions http://t.co/QiCsRJUtdP

  13. not quite sure how I ended up feeding @prawlings nachos at the @digiunion event last night.

  14. Just got a taxi. Never known anyone to be so racist. Horrified!

  15. Has anyone using windows 8.1 noticed a load of folders with just hex titles, and no permission to view them in the root folder?

  16. Is there any more important job for our country than what the mp's do? They deserve to be well paid (I'm not saying they are good at it!)

  17. RT @skiddle: @GreenpeaceUK I'm pretty sure there's a lift in the shard

  18. Today I did active dev on an android app, a windows 8 app, an mvc app, a web forms, and a win forms app for 4 different customers. #busy

  19. RT @mrnickharvey: 5 y/o: Cloudbabies is on TV. I WANT TO BE A CLOUDBABY!Me: You can't be cirrus.5 y/o: I AM!Me: No. 'Cirrus'. It's a...…

  20. just submitted my first ever session for a conference. *eeek*

  21. Does anyone else keep getting told by the windows store app that they are not connected to the internet when they are :/

  22. With so much free open wifi hot spots WP8 really needs vpn support. Terrible that it doesn't.

  23. feed43 is brilliant. Turn any website into an RSS feed! I have added a RSS feed for my kids schools newsletters!

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