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Status Updates posted by Wyatthaplo

  1. 10 Reasons To Pre-Order The Curious Case Of The Dolls House Girl!: http://t.co/228bmYQk via @youtube

  2. 6 Houras left in the Youbloom competition please please please help them get to 8th so they get through!! http://t.co/noVurdNn Many Thanks!

  3. 6 Houras left in the Youbloom competition please please please help them get to 8th so they get through!! bit.ly/AuYtv9 Many Thanks!

  4. According to Quidditch Through The Ages, how many ways are there to commit a foul?

  5. According to the popular wizarding book A History Of Magic who allowed themselves to burnt at the stake numerous times and how many times?

  6. And tigers and BEARSSSSSS!!!!!!

  7. anyone have any experience of purbloggers?

  8. Apparently i have walked in on a game of penis wars....

  9. Avril Lavigne Im With You brilliant

  10. BLOG!!!! http://t.co/uMjzwzk7 Laura Crow Cathrin Cowdrey Neil Bird for fun :)

  11. bt engineer didnt show up not a great start for a new customer

  12. Burger and Carbonara anyone?

  13. Can you keep a piece of paper on the wall just by blowing on it?

  14. Chillin on a sunday

  15. Coming off twitter so i dont get spoilt for the Apprentice!!

  16. Could everyone please vote 4 @goodnightastor in the youbloom competition http://bit.ly/AuYtv9 you know they deserve it!!! :)

  17. Could everyone please vote 4 @goodnightastor in the youbloom competition http://t.co/noVurdNn you know they deserve it!!! :)

  18. Could everyone please vote for Goodnight Astor in the Quarter Finals of the Youbloom competition!!! http://bit.ly/AuYtv9

  19. Could everyone please vote for Goodnight Astor in the Quarter Finals of the Youbloom competition!!! http://t.co/noVurdNn

  20. Daily reminder to all my friends to help Goodnight Astor in the youbloom competition by voting at http://bit.ly/AuYtv9 Many Thanks

  21. Daily reminder to all my friends to help Goodnight Astor in the youbloom competition by voting at http://t.co/noVurdNn Many Thanks

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