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Everything posted by chopper

  1. Thanks Lwillis and all for helping me. Strangest thing, just gone to bed now and volume of beeps back to normal. Only thing that is different is that I removed battery a second time and cleaned the battery connectors with steels wool as they were a bit black and oily looking Im going to buy a new battery and if any further probs I will let you know. Thank you all very much for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it, Thanks Kev
  2. One further things is that when I pull out the fuse and then pug back in the alarm goes off. If i then pull the fuse out again the alarm goes off. I would have expected the alarm to keep going using the battery which it doesnt. Does this mean it needs a new battery? If pulling fuse out switches off the alarm then wouldnt burglars/intruders know this and be able to switch it off very quickly?
  3. Hi Charlie, I have been in the property 2 years and dont know last time the standby battery was changed. No builders , this happened after the alarm went off due to wife entering living room without switching off the alarm. Red and green lights only showing. I have been into the box after taking out the fuse. I took out battery as suggested for a few minutes and still no change to the volume of the volume of pressing buttons and beeps for alarm setting Any other ideas? Many Thanks Kev
  4. Hi James, Yes the alarm is setting and working as normal. Its just the Beeps from pressing buttons and when setting are much louder than usual. Thanks Kev
  5. Hi everyone, I have an SL Compact alarm system installed and having an issue with the volume of the beeps from pressing buttons and setting the system. I set it every night going to bed. My wife set it the alarm off earlier this week . Normally after the alarm is triggered the beeps from pressing buttons are very loud but pressing reset restores a quieter beep volume. This is no longer re-setting and the system now gives off very loud beeps when pressing buttons and when setting. Also the time to set the alarm when leaving the house is taking around 1 minute of very loud beeping. Does anyone know how to reset to a lower volume 'beep' when using the system. The loud beeps can be heard outside on the street and so anyone who hears the alarm setting will know we are all out. Thanks in advance for taking the time to help Kev
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