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Posts posted by JTP90

  1. Hi all. Had a couple view our house with an estate agent and they touched the alarm box near the door (the one with the 4x c batteries in). This set off the alarm so they called me and then inputted the code to disarm. This worked but when ive got home the panel now says "ALARM ZONE 5" with two orange lights.


    Ive tried doing a reset with both the engineers code and my code but it says "CANNOT RESET". Ive also tried killing the mains power and disconnecting the back up battery but when it comes back on it still wont allow a reset and still says the alarm zone 5 with the lights (theres no alarm sound going off however).


    Basically i want to reset the system and clear the panel back to normal but this problem is persisting.


    Any ideas what i can do?


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