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Posts posted by Percha

  1. Thanks so the old bell box went off when I tried sorting current system out (thought I knew code and cannot get engineers manual for it to reset codes). Reading various forums most people state just get a new panel and keypad that is serviceable. What I currently have is 17yrs old but was working OK up until 5yrs ago.

    I will get a new battery at least for bell box as that died when I set it off. New panel will also have new battery.

    Mains yes good call, I have been bitten before by my father in laws hedge trimmer that had two prong connection with mains wired on the male side of it not the female!

  2. Hi,

    First of all hello!

    I have a regent alarm panel and scantronic 9427. I want to replace panel and keypad. I have 5 pir's two door contacts, also two door contacts in garage and another key pad in the garage.

    What panel and keypads do you suggest? I was think accenta g4 metal case one?

    Can anyone suggest a good panel and keypad that is reliable and I could diy fit? Also I am thinking about the dialler option which I can see if you add the informa will do on the accenta.

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