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Peter Maloney

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Posts posted by Peter Maloney

  1. Just wanted to report back and say thanks for the help, turns out the siren was faulty on the bell house, when I got the ladder and went up it was working but was very low, fitted the new texecom one and everything works great now.

  2. Hi,


    Thanks for the help, yes it is the engineer code I am using, I might see if I can crawl into the loft space later and see the wires going through the wall and if they could be still attached, I don't have a ladder tall enough to get to the outside bell box but if needed I could get one from the work.

  3. Hi,


    Many thanks for the reply, i have checked fuses and wiring seems fine, the house is only 4 years old so its not an old system, is there an easy way for me to test the output? other than getting the works van with ladders and actually going up to the bell housing with a new one....


    Thanks again.

  4. Hi,


    We have just moved into a new property and it is fitted with an Accenta G3 alarm system, my problem in that i have no external sounder volume at all, my internal ones sound but not external, could this just be a fault with the bell box itself or could this be a setting, when i read the manual and enter engineers mode i can do a bell test which activates the internal sounders on the keypads but nothing from the external, if i try to press low volume sounder / high volume sounder or walk test the panel just beeps and won't let these functions work.


    Thanks for any help

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