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Status Updates posted by RossDargan

  1. @virginmedia Also the people that are doing the work aren't told where to dig?! I get you might not release it publ… https://t.co/plaMUXjsCt

  2. @CarrieHFletcher Ha. Cool. My son is autistic and he was trying desperately to speak to you while you were recordin… https://t.co/N3FOy72FNF

  3. @TUIUKcares Hi. We left my Sons iPad on a flight the other day. I've contacted the airport I landed in but they hav… https://t.co/AeeHqGH7oP

  4. @SFB_Airport On the Newcastle flight about to board. I'm really glad to hear that as my parents do plan on returning.

  5. Omg is there any way I can get some @firecornpopcorn in the UK. It's amazing.

  6. @UniversalORL Fab

  7. Traffic at a standstill in the a1. Two people have driven past on the hard shoulder (one doing 60). Utter idiots.

  8. @AzureApiMgmt Now I'm getting this error while trying to add a new api :/ https://t.co/uRhdRc3dGp

  9. Thanks monster messenger. I might not have remembered otherwise. https://t.co/UID2FR53jn

  10. @stevegraham Thanks man. Such an awesome service!

  11. It takes all sorts. I see value in both :) https://t.co/N82DmmOGp6

  12. Great rules to follow if you manage people! https://t.co/TRhmSLgqAX

  13. @scottymeuk Dude... You have a Tesla. Damn son.

  14. @cosmosdb Can you use the same id in differnt partitions, or do they have to be unique inside the container?

  15. And yet the north east wanted brexit. Man this is going to hurt for decades. https://t.co/Tz8A49fY95

  16. @mtaulty Looking forward to seeing you at thinking digital!

  17. RT @stevekinney: Senior developers: unblocking and being a force multiplier to the junior developers on your team is literally the most imp…

  18. RT @sigje: If you are in a senior role and not mentoring in some capacity, you're not in a senior role. https://t.co/7ilt7hwUUu

  19. @NatWest_Help Are you aware of the bug in downloading transactions? Selecting since last download tells you you hav… https://t.co/oX0eiJ7Yo9

  20. @YaleSecurity Hi. I installed the new zwave module but I'm only getting a week worth of battery life now! That's no… https://t.co/oQqi0a9cLL

  21. @Doctor_Astro Great to see you working on this project! Hopefully you can come back to thinking digital and tell us all about it!

  22. @jtruk @Bibbleq It's classy round here.

  23. I think I can probably remove this now https://t.co/5DIUhzExSK

  24. RT @D__Gilbertson: I just published “I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how.” https://t.co/jq3VVHpJAW

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