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Posts posted by Gamma7

  1. Just a quick update, I am pleased to be able to say that we have today been granted the EN50131 certification. I have attached a copy of this here for the people that slated me and my products, and those that were actually really interested. We will get the certification uploaded to our gamma7 site in due course as we must instruct our web team to undertake this work. 


    We are not increasing prices or changing anything we do, we will still prebuild any system sold and set it up how the clients want them configured. This enables us to fully test the systems before they are sent out and also enables the installers to have a pain free installation as all works first time and no need to contact sellers for help installing while on site. However on that note we are on the end of the telephone or email and can help with all matters of the alarm should installers require help.


    We try to make this as pain free as possible for both the installer and the clients



  2. OK please find a list of the current confirmed approvals for the Gamma7 alarm system


    EN301489, EN300220-2,EN60950-2000, EN301489-1, EN301489-7, EN301511, EN301489-7, EN301489-4, EN60950


    The above approvals are all certified, I am just waiting for confirmation on EN50131, however I want to make sure that the documents are correct before I post this on here.I hope to have confirmation by Monday next week and have the document in my hand. Once I have it in my hand I will upload this as well. The manufacturer has confirmed to me that this will be by Monday.


    In reply to the question about the comms, yes in deed you just need to insert a pre paid SIM that has NO SIM security PIN code. The alarm system will make the connection with the providers service and will inform you of the signal strength by visual display.


    As a rule we as a company do not normally spend time on a forum due to abuse from people who just want to have a rant and rubbish a product they have never even seen, held, tested or tried. No doubt there will be a barrage of abuse from some people, but as a professional company dealing with professional people on a deadicated forum I hope this is not the case.


    I am away now until Monday next week, therefore I wont be able to reply until I return, please feel free to contact the office via the website

    There are no aerials on any device, be it the host panel or the accessories

  3. We know we will never convert all installers as you will stick to what you know, at the end of the day we set the complete system up in advance, test all features then box it up and deliver it to the buyer on a next working day delivery, meaning the buyer just has to secure the sensors in the required locations and power it on. Most installations will take a client around 1-2 hours from scratch, and therefore means as an installer you cannot charge a great deal for the installation. Therefore a system that is quick to install is not good news for some. Anyhow I have a bottle of beer with my name on it. I will post the list tomorrow of EN approvals. Anyone interested give us a call or drop us an email and we will be more than happy to help, however I have already stated they are not made in China, but many top quality products come from china.....nearly all TV, DVD, IPhone, IPad, cars, quite possibly the sofa you are sat on, the Device you are reading this post from, the lights in your room, the list could go on. And yes lots of total rubbish as well, but the Gamma7 does not. Come on guys I've made this clear...each product is boxed and bar coded with a stamp where they are made, each panel has a serial number linked to the box it is in. They are a quality device, that works well, and so far no complaints.

  4. Oh just one more reply to a comment - many installers will stick to alarms they know and trust, this I totally understand, however from our point of view trying to get an installer to take on a system they know nothing about is very hard, as at the end of the day it is their reputation and name on the line. I myself stick to certain brands of products I buy, so this I understand.

    I shall do my best to prove the product we sell and support. Also the lack of reviews I put down to the following - how many of you actually take the time to type and state how good a product is, most people and I mean not just installers but end users, will only type a review when they have an issue or problem they want help with. With any customer of ours they can ask and we will reply, we sell a premium product, and provide a premium service with it.

    I/we do not intend to step on anyone's toes or upset anyone, but we know we have great feedback from customers and recommendations and repeat custom on a product that is not cheap.

  5. I am pleased to have so many questions and requests and shall address all. Thank you for trying to assume my replies, but as before this alarm is not a cheap system, and far from tat. I shall me in the office tomorrow and shall post the list of EN approvals the system has. The approvals we have can all be confirmed and traced back to the correct test house. Many of you on here will know a lot more about alarm systems than myself, and I do not claim to know everything, however I know quality workmanship and quality material. The alarms and accessories are finished to a very high standard and for a wireless system with no aerials they have an amazing range. If range were to be an issue, not that it ever has to date, we stock signal boosters. The main control panel has 3 points of tamper protection, each sensor has tamper protection, as well as fault reporting back to the host panel, the solar powered external

    siren also has tamper protection.

    We are also just working on a new vibration contact for the system, but are waiting for test results and approvals before it is released

    As mentioned, tomorrow I shall post a list of current EN approvals.

  6. Hi,


    Firstly I am not sure if I can reply as we are the seller of the alarm system, hence I am not trying to hide behind a user name or email address. If this is not allowed please remove this reply (I am sorry if this is the case).


    The reason there were not many reviews is that the system was new to the UK. We only released it in October 2011. Prior to this is has been sold in Germany for around 3 years. The company that manufacture this alarm have made them for 20 years, however the Gamma7 is the latest release of advanced system.


    The systems are the most advanced systems we have seen and I assure you there is nothing in B&Q like this alarm, in either feature or quality. They are not made in China either, but having said this most of the alarms you install nowa days are made in China. All the big brand suppliers do is add a device to a box and then state made in the UK, or you will find that they say made in PRC (peoples republic of China)


    Feel free to contact us and see how they work before calling it cheap Chinese tat, and please be aware we sell around 20-60 systems a week and to date not a single alarm has been returned by a customer, most issues reported by customers are that they misunderstand what it can do due to the fact there are so many clever options.


    Without sounding rude or sarcastic we have a number of installers around the country in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Cyprus and Portugal who buy from us on a weekly and monthly basis, rather than knock a product you have not seen or held in your hands try installing one and see how simple and advanced they are and actually make money installing them...


    Once again please remove this reply if as the supplier of the product I am not allowed to defend it

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