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Status Updates posted by legend200578

  1. @MercedesBenzUK I'll give them a call. Thanks for answering so quick

  2. @Michailantonio @jsullivanwhu @England all good things to those who work hard and prove themselves. Nice one mate

  3. @Mr_BA6 https://t.co/UCgoV6D8BK

  4. @Noble16Mark @Aaron_Cresswell @AndyTCarroll @dimpayet17 challenge is on dimi

  5. @Paul_Gascoigne8 You look more like Gary Glitter mate

  6. @redgewd I've been saying this for ages. He knows where the goal is and isn't afraid to take people on. He'd be a better striker than RB

  7. @Stanwhu1 that's a good lad you got there mate, you should be proud

  8. @UberWestHam @AndyTCarroll Reading between the lines, is the thing that needs to be changed Bilic?

  9. @virginmedia So your super duper sky q beating v6 box is the basic tivo box with more storage?

  10. @virginmedia why us the fast forward function on your sky movies do slow?

  11. @Warburtons what's going on with your toastie loaf? Used to be extra thick now it's just thick.

  12. @WEMOcares I've deleted and set up the rule again. Will update when it's meant to start. I've also found my other w… https://t.co/xSwnnRhMKc

  13. @WestHam_Central @HarryCoton27 no Lanzini. But does say it's provisional. https://t.co/bizGDKKUTI

  14. @WestHam_Central But that someone will be hugill.

  15. @WestHamFCLive @whufcphotos I like how he keeps looking about incase there's some west ham around

  16. @WestHamUtd Mark noble #tweetthatgoal

  17. @whufc_official it's my wedding anniversary today but I'm on my way to the game. Worth a shout out?

  18. #NewProfilePic https://t.co/nRIB8K7hqe

  19. #uncharted4live red

  20. Are you ready to rock? My #SongPop username is matt.palmer.31! http://t.co/TRknnNid

  21. Big thanks to @MarcRelph. Absolute perfect drawing of Adrian. https://t.co/L83GznFRnb

  22. Can I get a rt for my best mate who was killed earlier this year. @DavidGoldWHU @CarltonCole1 @whufc_official http://t.co/ttXgxQ6q

  23. https://t.co/dxEnWSuQa5

  24. Local Council (Essex & Epping County Council): Save Our Community Fields In Ninefields https://t.co/D5AXTCA8mp via @UKChange

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