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Who Makes The Bell Boxes For Banham?


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Pyronix Belle ? They both look exactly the same to me.

Put your glasses on uncle arf, if you look carefully you'll note the electronics with the box are completely different size & shape..

Either Gardtec has swiped the design or vice versa. Isn't there copyright or patent or something on the designs ?

Gartec was the 1st that I saw with common electronics in a clean plastic case, I'd say the others copied them

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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"..Put your glasses on uncle arf, if you look carefully you'll note the electronics with the box are completely different size & shape.."


I'll do as you say Mr Happy... if you are suggesting that the printed circuit board components are a different size & shape that would not alter patent infringement in this case but SixWheeledBeast says there's no copyright issues etc. So I fail to see where anyone would go from there. It's worth raising the question though, " If I were to copy say a keypad facia or control panel facia from Scantronic, could they then have a case against me ?


And yes, I'll put my glasses on.

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Yes, I can see the difference in the pcb's Mr. Happy.


Alyeti:- "....Now, Where's the pictures of the 12core next to the normal 4 core you use?..."


Yet again, this is probably the third time you've followed me around with that question..I shall reply presenty..In MY time.

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Sorry about this folks, I need to post this in the several posts where Alyeti has triplicated his question.

You've got absolutely no chance. You either know the answer to the original post or you don't.. come to that, even if I bothered to upload you would still call me a liar and a blagger, as usual, with the photos staring you in the face... and I very rarely if ever, use four core, but there again you would call me a liar on that one as well.

My apologies to everyone, but wherever I see Alyeti's question I'm afraid I shall have no alternative but to re-post again.

For the benefit of the site, I have absolutely no quarrel with Alyeti.

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Alyeti, do yourself a favour and read my original post, there is no indication nor suggestion of uploading. The question has been answered to my satisfaction by well meaning individuals. So, here we go again:-

Sorry about this folks, I need to post this in the several posts where Alyeti has triplicated his question.

You've got absolutely no chance. You either know the answer to the original post or you don't.. come to that, even if I bothered to upload you would still call me a liar and a blagger, as usual, with the photos staring you in the face... and I very rarely if ever, use four core, but there again you would call me a liar on that one as well.

My apologies to everyone, but wherever I see Alyeti's question I'm afraid I shall have no alternative but to re-post again.

For the benefit of the site, I have absolutely no quarrel with Alyeti.

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