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Nsi Silver - 1St Inspection


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Starting to get the "sweats" ahead of our inspection next week.


Is it just me but I find it a little strange that we are being inspected on something where no real prior knowledge exists.


We make the assumption that our forms are correct and our procedures are solid but we won't know until we get inspected.


Surely it would be more helpful to use the first visit as guidance and then carry out "inspections" to demonstrate our adherence to the guidance?



Anyway, does anyone have any good tips in how we can prepare for our first audit?


It would be good to know what to expect and also things that caught you by surprise.




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To be honest mate unless you have a right #### he'll appreciate that it's your first inspection.

It is what it is. All year round I make sure we cross all the T's and dot all the I's but he'll always find something which you learn from for the next time.

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Thanks Timmo66,


I still find the hardest thing at the moment is to get everyone to do their little bit.


We had a service call the other night and we only realised that the installing engineer had not written down a zone list (or more likely that it wasn't saved to the right folder).


Silly little things like that!


Plus I find it difficult for everyone to know all the regulations / standards - surely we can't expect our Engineers to have read it all - or can we?

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How much are you paying these people to walk around with clipboards, they must be on a fair packet. Isn't police approval enough without shelling out to these numerous "inspectors" and adding to your paperwork, and taking up the time you could be spending at installations, between this and cctv dpa's the world is reaching the stage where even big brother is watching big brother...who happens to be getting paid to watch another big brother..

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Is it your first every inspection, never been approved ?


If so ignore what you hear, the NSI inspectors are very keen, but most times you will find out your are doing stuff thats not needed and they point out easier ways to do it.


I thought we was fine when we changed to the NSI, inspector arrived at 8am left at 7pm and left us with things to put right and to be honest when they explain it its only to cover your ****. 


Got a lot of respect for our inspectors over the last 12 years, we learnt a lot from them.



No PMs please unless i know you or you are using this board with your proper name.

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How much are you paying these people to walk around with clipboards, they must be on a fair packet. Isn't police approval enough without shelling out to these numerous "inspectors" and adding to your paperwork, and taking up the time you could be spending at installations, between this and cctv dpa's the world is reaching the stage where even big brother is watching big brother...who happens to be getting paid to watch another big brother..


You clearly dont know the industry, you need to be approved to get police response.


You need to read PD6662 & BS8243 Some home work for you http://www.chubb.co.uk/Documents/ws-403/Assets/CFS2079%20PD6662%20Standards%20Leaflet.pdf

Jason,  one thing what do you do for data backup ?


You should have posted in trade, could have had a deccussion  



No PMs please unless i know you or you are using this board with your proper name.

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Is it your first every inspection, never been approved ?


If so ignore what you hear, the NSI inspectors are very keen, but most times you will find out your are doing stuff thats not needed and they point out easier ways to do it.


I thought we was fine when we changed to the NSI, inspector arrived at 8am left at 7pm and left us with things to put right and to be honest when they explain it its only to cover your ****. 


Got a lot of respect for our inspectors over the last 12 years, we learnt a lot from them.


Yes this is our 1st inspection. We did submit the application form years ago but it was rejected due to shaky balance sheet - but that was because we were still starting up and reinvesting all the cash into growing the business. There was no inspection at that time.


Thanks for the tips though. I am told that the inspector we have is quite a stickler - but I too am seeing that it is a good thing, as it will help us get things right.


Still, it's like a bit like, dare I say it...."Bake Off!" - just don't want to get voted off..hehe

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"....You clearly dont know the industry, you need to be approved to get police response..."


Well that's even worse, you'll be telling me next that customers these days have to pay for a URN..we used to get them free, for nothing, zilch.. they just tapped out a number on a computer  (if you were police approved, of course)..Absolutely smack on, I don't know the industry, only a little bit about troubleshooting and installing security systems.


"....We did submit the application form years ago but it was rejected due to shaky balance sheet..."


So they employ HMRC as well then ?... this is ridiculous.


"...inspector arrived at 8am left at 7pm..."  Eleven hours of Your time..aww ! get real.. can't you see that people are making big money off your back ?

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