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Harrogate Security - Birstall. West Yorkshire

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My apologies for not replying sooner chaps-been grafting!, Ronnie I asked about the height because you mentioned 2 metres, I've actually put them lower than that before, just once, because no other option was available, as we know, there are no 'requirements' for sounders.

Guarding, I think not, lol.

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My apologies for not replying sooner chaps-been grafting!, Ronnie I asked about the height because you mentioned 2 metres, I've actually put them lower than that before, just once, because no other option was available, as we know, there are no 'requirements' for sounders. this is a 2 storey building, there was no need to put the bell low level.  it's because they don't carry the correct equipment to do the job properly.


Guarding, I think not, lol. don't understand what you're getting at with this comment.

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